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[TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

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Hey guys, I'm Stein. Here's my app!

Age : 19

Dayz/Fps Experience : Been playing Dayz for about 3 months. I started playing FPSes about 7 years ago with Battlefield 2. I won't lie, I have dabbled in CoD MW, MW2 and Black Ops, but I've always preferred more serious, challenging team-based FPSes. I've got over 150 hours with BF3 playing in my clan (I can get links if needed), a few hundred with BF2 and the Project Reality mod (which I absolutely love). Now that I've stopped playing MMOs and League of Legends, I consider FPSes to be my main gaming genre.

Why do you want to join? : Your OP was well written (I hate all those posts that claim to be looking for "mature 18+ members" but write a shite description of what it is they want to do and make the spelling mistakes of a 6 year old) and fits what I'm looking for in a clan at the moment. I'm sick of running solo or in pairs, and just want a cool bunch of mature people who know what the fuck they're doing, with who I step it up a notch.

Where are you from? : London, UK (I think it's GMT+1?)

How often do you play? : I try to be on at least 3 hours a day. My current schedule is pretty light so I can be on whenever the most people are around.

So yeah, thanks for getting this thing set up. I hope I can be a worthy member!


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Hey guys, I'm Stein. Here's my app!

Age : 19

Dayz/Fps Experience : Been playing Dayz for about 3 months. I started playing FPSes about 7 years ago with Battlefield 2. I won't lie, I have dabbled in CoD MW, MW2 and Black Ops, but I've always preferred more serious, challenging team-based FPSes. I've got over 150 hours with BF3 playing in my clan (I can get links if needed), a few hundred with BF2 and the Project Reality mod (which I absolutely love). Now that I've stopped playing MMOs and League of Legends, I consider FPSes to be my main gaming genre.

Why do you want to join? : Your OP was well written (I hate all those posts that claim to be looking for "mature 18+ members" but write a shite description of what it is they want to do and make the spelling mistakes of a 6 year old) and fits what I'm looking for in a clan at the moment. I'm sick of running solo or in pairs, and just want a cool bunch of mature people who know what the fuck they're doing, with who I step it up a notch.

Where are you from? : London, UK (I think it's GMT+1?)

How often do you play? : I try to be on at least 3 hours a day. My current schedule is pretty light so I can be on whenever the most people are around.

So yeah, thanks for getting this thing set up. I hope I can be a worthy member!


Another great app, make sure to check your pm's on the forums! :P

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Age : 22

Dayz/Fps Experience : DayZ: 2 Months - FPS: 8 Years

Why do you want to join? : I want to kill people and enjoy terrorizing others.

Where are you from? : Toronto, ON, Canada

How often do you play? : Almost every day.

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Age : 23

Dayz/Fps Experience : DayZ: 2 Months - FPS: 9 Years

Why do you want to join? : Love fragging and would like to get to a higher state, whether it be pvp or pve, in the game.

Where are you from? : Toronto, ON, Canada

How often do you play? : Almost every day.

Edited by funky

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Age : 13

Dayz/Fps Experience : Dayz-few months, ARMA2- 6 months, FPS-7-8 years.

Why do you want to join? : sick of being alone in dayz and always dying, like teamwork and can follow orders, I can be good at lots of different jobs, wether it be sniper or scavenger.

Where are you from? : Victoria, Australia

How often do you play? :everyday, especially on weekends\

(have a mic)

Edited by theozzyoscar333

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Age : 31

Dayz/Fps Experience: Just started DayZ ~week ago, but finding my way around quite easily. FPS experience: Avid COD player for over a decade, was in several dedicated clans/groups over the years.

Why do you want to join?: I love the teamwork/division of tasks, and being the bad guy. The game's dynamic is marvelous, the accent on patience, planning, reading the terrain/map to move around etc. which is the total opposite of COD. Moreover, the sheer size of the Cherna map puts the emphasys on group play imo, so I'd very much like to find a stable group of mature players that are out to cause some mischief instead of rolling alone. On a side note, I had my own TS up until recently for the clan I was in so if need be I could reactivate it. I'm playing on a decent PC (i5, GeF.560, 8gRAM), with a headset of course and 'no fear to use it' if needed :).

Where are you from?: Belgrade, Serbia.

How often do you play?: I'm on a schedule so I tend not to 'promise' long hours, but usually 3h+/day (ie. I played throughout the last two evenings and nights). Should I find a steady group I don't see myself playing less than 4h/day, so here's hoping I'll become one of the bandits in your team.



Reason for editing: My app was a bit 'out there' as I wrote it at almost 7AM after a whole evening and night of DayZ.

Edited by Mail Escort

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Age : 20

Dayz/Fps Experience : 3 months / Played Project Reality for 1,5 year as a squad leader in a clan. Also played other FPS but none like PR or Dayz/Arma.

Why do you want to join? : I'd like to play with organized groups/squads as I think that's most fun of games like these.

Where are you from? : Denmark

How often do you play? : Every night, about 2-3 hrs maybe more ;)

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Age : 16

Dayz/Fps Experience : Couple of months DayZ, several years of Unreal Tournament, a bit of CoD, assorted single player games..

Why do you want to join? : Looking for a new group as my current one is inactive.

Where are you from? : Canada.

How often do you play? : Varies - I have school. Usually daily, but occasionally I'll be gone for a couple of days.

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Age : 16

Dayz/Fps Experience : I play al sorts of game with FPS such as, COD, BattleField, Many more.

Why do you want to join? : I dislike playing alone and need some people to play online with.

Where are you from? : Ontario, Canada

How often do you play? : Usually everyday after school for several hours.

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Age : 14 (I am mature)

Dayz/Fps Experience : I have been playing around a month, now found being solo gets a little boring

Why do you want to join? : Becuase, I was solo and got bored of being solo

Where are you from? : USA

How often do you play? : I play everyday around 2:15-8:45 those are times I am on im not always on every minute inbetween those times (Weekends Differ)

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Age : 18

Dayz/Fps Experience : Played since day one, Had Arma 2 before DayZ/ Played ACE mod on Arma for a long time, spend a lot of time in CS and BF3 Gaming for about 10 years. I will admit I do play CoD from time to time, but I'm not a big fan. I have spent countless hours in Arma 2, I liked the game before DayZ and DayZ only gave me a reason to pick Arma 2 back up when I stopped playing it for a while.

Why do you want to join? : Been looking for a decently organized clan. The OP as I can see is perfectly set-up already making this look very organized.

Where are you from? : Indiana, US

How often do you play? : Just about everynight and day

Edited by Ashnik

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Age :


Dayz/Fps Experience :

I've had 3 months with DayZ experience. I play fps alot and loves working in teams. I have played most of them out there (Not talking about something from the year 2000)

Why do you want to join? :

I'm tiered of playing alone. I want to join a group, who I can fight with, raid with and so on. I'm also wanting to learn some dayz tactics. I need some people to show me an side of dayz I've never seen :)

Where are you from? :

I'm from Norway GMT+2

How often do you play?

As often as I can, mostly in the weekends because of school work, but about 3-5 times a week. PLaying everything from 2+ hours .

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Age :18

Dayz/Fps Experience : 3 Weeks Honestly/6 Years

Why do you want to join? : DayZ Solo is soo boring sometimes and i want a group to be with and to help grow with

Where are you from? : South Carolina,US

How often do you play? : Everyday mostly nights.

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Thank you all for your applications, sorry if I haven't had time to get back to you all just yet! :P

Cheers, ShakyaGaming

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Dayz/Fps Experience :I play the FPS since I was 9 years

Why do you want to join? :I want join, to make people suffer so tactical, precise and quiet, for this I need people to play with.

Where are you from? :I'm italian

How often do you play? :almost all day

Edited by <--Mwk-->Cpt.Connor

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Age :16

Dayz/Fps Experience : Around 1 month in DayZ and 8 years of FPS experience. (CoD, BF, Tf2, CS, Day of Defeat...)

Why do you want to join? : I m looking for a dedicated group who isnt unorganised, a traitor or a bunch of people who go on once a week. And most of all its fun to play with a group!

Where are you from? : Luxembourg

How often do you play? :Almost everynight

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Age : 18

Dayz/Fps Experience : 2 months with dayz, started playing fps since i was 12. I have enough experience that I now where to go and what to do in certain situations in other to gain the upper hand. Im pretty familiar with all the guns and I know how to control recoil as well as how to use a sniper riffle properly.

Why do you want to join? : I want to join because it is hard to play this game and gather gear or find vehicles while you are playing solo. I also like the idea of playing tactically and with a group of people that got my back. It is also a lot easier to gather vehicles and gear since everyone would be working as a team. Another reason why I want to join is because I would like to pvp as a group rather than by myself.

Where are you from? : I am from Illinois, USA

How often do you play? : I play about 2-4 hours a day if I am not busy or out with friends. I always try to squeeze some time in my schedule.

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Age : 20

Dayz/Fps Experience : been playing dayz for a few months now

Why do you want to join? : Need a group to haze with

Where are you from? : Texas, US

How often do you play? : as often as possible

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Age : 17

Dayz/Fps Experience : Been playing DayZ for about 3 months. I'm all around: I can snipe, spot etc. I'm good at driving and I'm a very good helicopter pilot (I've never crashed, and I've flown a lot).

I've been playing several FPS games for several years, I started of in the first call of duties, where I've been in tactical clans.

Why do you want to join? : I'm looking for a tactical clan that is active. This clan looks like it's one of those, therefore i find it a good choice.

Where are you from? : Denmark

How often do you play? : Often, nearly every day.

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Age : 17

Dayz/Fps Experience : Intermediate. I can hold my own in firefights, can hit a pin prick with a DMR (favorite gun), and can pick and choose sniping spots very well. Though, I haven't had much experience dealing with other bandits out there. Plenty of other FPS experience, but ARMA is nothing like them.

Why do you want to join? : Group raids, organized PvP, stakeouts, ambushes, lots of fun.

Where are you from? : Chicago

How often do you play? : Mostly every day.

Edited by Marformation

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Age : 21

Dayz/Fps Experience : DayZ experience, about a month. FPS experience, pretty much my whole life, going back to the original Delta Force games.

Why do you want to join? : I am looking to expand my DayZ experience and work with a team. I love teamwork and want to experience DayZ in a more advanced endgame.

Where are you from? : USA

How often do you play? : Average 5 times a week, even if it's just getting on for a quick loot run

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If you guys can tell me what your name is on Skype when I message you that'd be great so I know who you all are! :D

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Age :16

Dayz/Fps Experience : DayZ is few months/FPS about 6 years playing Halo Operation Flashpoint and other games alike

Why do you want to join? : I Want to join because im tired of being a lone wolf after my group stoped playing DayZ and i miss being in a team

Where are you from? : UK

How often do you play: Almost daily except a few days a week for college and what not

Edited by Stobbsy

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