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[TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

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Age : 16

Dayz/Fps Experience : Don't know exactly but i'm sure i play more than 8 months. FPS 8 years.

Why do you want to join? : Looking for a active and tacticly clan and i think that this is the best server for that.

Where are you from? : The Netherlands

How often do you play? : Depends on the day but easily on workdays like 4 hours.

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Age : 22

Dayz/Fps Experience : DayZ none, cod4/waw/blackops bbc2, bf3 since released, operation flashpoint cold war/rising sun(ps3) all MGS and more (sneaky bitch and solid aimin)

Hman-94 PS3 ID

Why do you want to join? : want to start this game properly

Where are you from? : France

How often do you play? : none yet, but when ill play it'll be something like 10h a day lol so dayZ seem the game for that, quite a geek cose i'm insomniak

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Age : 14 (Mature)

Dayz/Fps Experience : 6 Months Dayz/ 6 years FPS

Why do you want to join? : I love being a bandit <3

Where are you from? : Australia!

How often do you play? : Everyday.

Edited by Crosby

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Age : 16

Dayz/Fps Experience : Playing FPS games since age 6, Playing DayZ for like 2-3 months

Why do you want to join? :Just looking for European bandit squad to shoot people in the face.

Where are you from? : Lithuania, Europe

How often do you play? : Depends, on weekends 5-6 hours , on regular days 3-4, depends.

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