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My worst Day in Dayz ever.

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First of all, i´ve been playing this game for a very long time for now. I think I started around 1.6 where only about 50 servers where online in total and you had to spamjoin if you wanted to play.

We play in a well organised and equipped crew (we are not a clan or something similar and we dont want to be). We had allready serveral "base severs" with camps on it, but after they got raided from time to time, sooner or later we started loosing interrest in setting up a "base camp".

We where like wandering around and doing shit. Simply having fun and mostly avoiding PvP hotspots because the PvP is bullshit in this game. There is no point in playing fair if like 50% of the player base is using scripts, disconnects in the firefight or ghost´s you. Hell, we died more than once simply because some fagg was server hopping just right behind us. (Last one was "Bolt")

But today, we found a Helicopter. It was like the friggin holy grail for us. I am kindah the designated driver and the only one with enough flying experience because of my normal Arma 2 playtime. And I allways loved to fly shit around, no matter what game it was.

After finding this helicopter things went better and better. We found a massive campsite on our actuall main server and a SV3. I bet you know what we did next. Right, we raided the camp and got away. We now had like a truck loaded with all sorts of "High end" military grade weapons of all kinds and shapes with enough ammo to start a war on a small country.

So, our group was full equipped and ready to go. SV3 with everything, Helo with jerry cans and ATV´s, Motorcycles and everything. Our main server restarts every 6 hours and right when we found a nice spot to hide that shit untill the server is back again, we decided to make a Break. After like 2 hours, we log back in again and everything is gone. My Helicopter, which I named "Betsy" was gone. I Didnt care four our loaded truck or everything else. But Betsy was gone.

Allright I thought, lets keep calm. We started running around the last locations where we had to land, because this is DayZ and finding a vehicle at a savepoint earlier isnt new for us. Even though it should have been "fixed". We all know how this works.

After spending like an hour, driving around with our last ATV and motorcycle we didnt found a shit. And we lost the ATV because it started jumping in the middle of a field right into a tree. At least noone of us died, right? When we where close to the NWAF we heard betsy for the first time. I was like pissing my pants but then I slowly realized I will have to shoot her. If i cant have her, noone else should have her. So we discussed the situation and came to the Conclusion it would be the best to go near a Central point of interresst like Stary. We did so and she came by. I was struggling but I hit her with my M107 right in the side. Somehow a conversation started in the server lobby trough the group channel and it turned out, that a guy called "OutlawXGP" had found her close to staroye. Thats not even close to where I left her. So there are like 2 main possibilitys.

1. They where scripters and stole it.

2.someone else did and left it there and they really found it.

We where talkin about it and after some lines of text, he wanted to give it back to me. At least he said so. So I told him, to bring it close to vybor and leave it there. I wasnt actually close there but a mate was. He was waiting there for a couple of minutes until Betsy showed up. She was hovering above Dichina. Straight in the sights of my buddy, allready checking the distance and aiming at it. We where talkin about that the whole time.

"I can shoot her or I could atleast the Door Gunner."

"Wait for their actions, maybe they really land it!"


3 Minutes passed and I was sprinting my way there.

"I´m dead."


Those fuckers stole betsy and then killed my mate. They where hovering all the time above dichina and my mate could have killed Betsy and their thiefs. But our wish to get her back was bigger then our allready learned experience with others.

I wasnt mad at this moment. I Simply was dissapointed. You know, I still read this forum since the beginning at least once a Day. And I came across dozens of threads of People "I dont kill others" or "I am a Good Guy" and all this bullshit. Everyone that reads those know how they are.

Fuck that shit. All those claiming to be "Real Friendlies" are just people (at least most of them) which mostly run around the coast and have nothing of Value on them. This game is basicly pretty easy to gear up. Everyone with at least 1 week gaming experience would agree. You get decently geared up in like 30 minutes. But having a Helicopter, driving 2 hours down with the fucken Fisherboat at 14km/h from berenzino. Fixing up the Heli and all that shit. Is something completly different. Its not even similar to a campsite or having a Car. You waste so much time for fixing the heli and putting the 600 liters of fuel in it, everytime after server restart. its something complety different and a Thing you will of course get attached to. Because you really worked for that.

Later on, back in the lobby chat. This guy "Tucker Dale" tells me that he crashed the heli somewhere between elektro and cherno. And the other guy "Panic shot" my mate. All sounded pretty shitty and I still dont believe any word of this shit. But still, thats not the point. And I am still not mad. I am simply dissapointed. We had her for like an Hour. Just to came back online and shes gone.

Basicly it was most propably my worst DayZ day so far. We allready had a lot of bullshit happen to our group. But thats a whole different level. We learned our lesson, again. Next time we´ll kill her. Next time we´ll guard her. Poor betsy. :(

And to all those claim to be friendly guys: Fuck You.

I am still not Mad. No hard feelings.

The Worst thing about this game arent the Bugs, its not the Hackers and not the alpha state.

The Worst thing about this game is You, the community.

Edited by Leitbild
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The Worst thing about this game arent the Bugs, its not the Hackers and not the alpha state.

The Worst thing about this game is You, the community.

I didn't read all of it. Not because TL;DR, but because I am pissed at the community as well. The hackers suck dick, and the trolls are just as bad. I just wanted to say, take a break(I know I am after being looted and hours erased by some scripting douche bag) and then come back. I am personally on the brink of not touching this game until the standalone comes out.

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I just wanna say I like your Avatar.

Helghast forever....

Or until the game goes out of style.

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Thats why we have our Main server choosen to be a low pop server. All those high pop servers with 50 of 50 players on them get nuked at least once a day.

We had so much bullshit happen allready that we avoid servers with more then 20 people on it because of all those shit.

A nice story for this happend a week ago. We found a Motorcycle and just drove it to the woods to hide it, when we got off it, saved it and ran to a near tree to log out a ghillie appears right next to the motorcycle and drives away with it. Took like a second for us to realize but he got away. At least 50% of the playerbase is using some scripts. Hell, I took some research and found tons of Forums where they talk about what "hack" to use and where to get it. They are offering those shit for like 10 bucks. Seriously?!

I Dont really think it will get any better with the standalone. Its just a Matter of time. BE is bringing up propaganda all day trough the local BE client. "We banned 2.000 Hackers" and shit. 2000 from a player base of 100.000 is nothing. There are so many scripts undetected by it that like I allready said allmost 50% of the playerbase is using that.

The Game is still enough fun for me though and I dont think the standalone will be any better. I am playing for about 6 months now and this game is still fun for me. Theres no chance those fucktards will ruin it for me.

@Welch: Helghan belongs to the Helghast!


Edited by Leitbild

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Having you stuff stolen is normal, but the hacking is beyond understanding, the thing is, I have the felling that once you learn to deal with your loss you'll play longer and even laugh at hackers, I've been playing since... I think, and some people I used to play with just gave up, some became scripters, others often use script but most of the time they play normal, myself, I never used scripts, did some dupping once but got killed and refused getting dupped stuff again, got a nice equip, nvg, l85, guillie and shit, survived for 16 days and died falling from one of the buildings in cherno, ran back found my body and only lost the guillie.

My advice? Go Lingor and take a break from Hacknarus, maybe, MAYBE the next update will help.

From my point of view 90% of the scripters do it because after hours running around finding not even a bicicle they get pissed of, most of my friend who strated using script use them to either avoid players or find vehicles.

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I feel for you, that disappointment cannot be matched. The players of this game aren't really the best community ever, but you can't blame every one of us.

I hope that you manage to stay in a positive mood for the game, and also may you be blessed with a hundred huey's.

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I feel for you, that disappointment cannot be matched. The players of this game aren't really the best community ever, but you can't blame every one of us.

I hope that you manage to stay in a positive mood for the game, and also may you be blessed with a hundred huey's.

I was blessed by a hundred Huey's once. I stole a hacker's pickup truck and he spawned at least that many trying to drop them on me and kill me before he managed to do it and the server crashed shortly afterward.

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I agree, take a break - My 2 worst dayz = First, just rented a server and logged in, all good until looting the hospital I see a Escalade pull up, WYF, they get out aim a rocket launcher and there I go up in rubble, I stop the server, read the logs and the guys hacked a lot a shit so I banned them, next was - Looting for a week, filling my tent and all the sudden after a week off barack raids and heli raids my tent goes Bye, Bye - Oh, well - Just gives me something else to do, now I have a backpack with 2 NVs, Halo and M1A3 cco, 2 GPS and I am scared to set up another tent - LoL, My back is killing me :)

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I am personally on the brink of not touching this game until the standalone comes out.

Same here. I quit because I fixed up 6 ATVs and all of them flipped randomly. Sometimes in the middle of a field like the OP said happened to his ATV.

Time to switch to "The WarZ" until dayz standalone comes out.

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As Aristotle famously once said "Shit happens.".

But seriously, most of what bugs you is bugging me too, i've only been playing a couple of months, but every time I get bugged / glitched / killed by hackers I just play Forgotten Realms Deluxe Edition (Neverwinter Nights, Baldurs' Gate 1+2, Icewind Dale 1+2 and all expainsion packs) DOOM Collectors Edition / SILVER / Mech Commander / Mech Warrior the list goes on and on and on and on...... (Yes i'm a nerd, bite me) DayZ is good, but it ain't got Jack Sprat or his cat on them.

I am prescribing you 1 great back up game, when things goes wrong just play that insted, any of the above will do but ultimatly the choice is up to you.

Or you could try drugs.... Side effects include wearing a hooded jumper, sudden bouts of theft, a radical drop in IQ, instant and ireverseable death, calling everybody "Blood" and having a greater apreaceation of the song Golden Brown by The Stranglers.

Edited by Axz
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at least in your worst day there weren't hacks involved..rough but ''correct'' gameplay.

panic shot=bullshit

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It's like BF3. Eventually hackers will go too another game because hacking ruins the real game element. It's like going on a survival trip IRL but wen it gets harsh you get to your car and drive too a hotel. The life of a hacker or dupper must be very boring and sad. I do not hate them I just feel sorry for them. When I get wacked by a hacker or bandit it motivates me too survive longer everytime. Keep up the spirit and maybe you should go to less populated servers because I can survive there a long time without having many bugs or hackers.

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The hackers are a bit of a joke. Dayz antihax mod server side seems to work better than battleye on my server. So many bans everyday for scripters. They ruin the game

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at least in your worst day there weren't hacks involved..rough but ''correct'' gameplay.

panic shot=bullshit

Nah man, Betsy was very well hidden. Theres no way someone could have found her in those 2 hours. But it doesnt matter anymore.

R.I.P. Betsy

We´ll miss you.

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