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[Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

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I don't Know If This Is Right Are But, I am Getting In To mapping so I want to know!

how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

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Uhh well it depends on what you're using, I guess.

Look at arial shots of the Chenarus map, look at what props are frequently used and that sort of thing.

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Wow..you need to be way more specific. Map design usually follows a few generic steps.

1. Planning - Before you open a map editor, plan your map. Where is it, What time is it, what the climate, whats the "story" behind it, what are the landmarks, what is the purpose of the map. Find pictures of places you like, been or would like to go.

2. Rough sketching - Time to draw out in 2d some of the major aspects of the map. Main areas, whole "setting" specifics. Scale it to the in-program units. For example:

Map Grid Imperial Metric

1 = 0.75" = 0.01905

2 = 1.5" = 0.04

4 = 3" = 0.08

8 = 6" = 0.15

16 = 1' = 0.3

32 = 2' = 0.6

64 = 4' = 1.2

128 = 8' = 2.4

(160 = 10' = 3.0)

256 = 16' = 4.9

512 = 32' = 9.8

Player Collision Hull

32 = 2' 0" width & length

36 = 2' 3" height crouching

72 = 4' 6" height standing

Player Eyelevel

28 = 1' 9" height crouching

64 = 4' 0" height standing


128 = 8' 0" normal corridor height

64 = 4' 0" normal corridor width

108 = 6' 9" normal door height

48 = 3' 6" normal door width

That is straight off the Valve SDK wiki here: https://developer.va...wiki/Dimensions

3. Actual design - this is where you put all that planning into the editor and make a map. Most people think this is the last step. It is not.

4. Testing/Optimizing - Yep. Play the damn level with yourself and bots, or friends, or just let the stupid AI try it out. Depending on what the purpose of the map this is the best way to figure out how well it is made. If its MP, scores should be close when just AI. If one team is blown away its clearly poorly balanced. Better to have real life people play on it because the bots arent going to try to glitch your map. People will jump onto ledges, entities etc just to get out, in or under places they should not be.

Also...practice. I have SOOO MANY CS:S maps I made that suck. They are half done or not even that far. I have published ONE map and even that one was pretty shitty and never finished.

EDIT: To make "steps" stand out more.

Some places to start mapping.

SourceSDK - http://source.valvesoftware.com/sourcesdk.php

Unreal Development Kit - http://www.unrealengine.com/udk/

Google Sketchup - http://sketchup.google.com/download/

Edited by Sheepdawg
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I have a question, I use Autodesk Maya, what other programs do I need to make a DayZ map, to make the loot spawns and stuffs?

Edit: I know this is an old topic, but please answer :)

Edited by Sgt Murica

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