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The New United Republic - Governmently Body

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For Government You Must Be In The Councl So, Yes There Are a Few Open! And, Dallas Three is not Our Current Home!

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soooo you're trying to set up an authoritarian regime that rules basically as an oligarchy? Thats not how the government of the United States works. Why don't you just go with the Westminister model of government with bicameral legislature, one representing citizens and one representing the members of the military (which is how the United States basically works off). If not, then at least call the council the Congress or something and have annual elections for both the members of Congress and the President.

EDIT: The US is bicameral but I did not mean that one branch represents members of the military.

Edited by VVired

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can I join im good with any role but I personaly would like a hunting or as a chenasos police officer for one of the citys and for the remote areas if nesicary I have worked out how to play to an extent but still could use a guide to help me (turning the fire house or somewhere like that into a noob school to teach the basic controls)

I already did the aplication on the first page but had no reply hopefully I will get a yes or no answer this time and the name of the server the group is on

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Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!

Edited by Toxic_Cyber

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Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!

Edited by Toxic_Cyber

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Sorry Bout that My PC is Glitched So!

Edited by Toxic_Cyber

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Updated, We are starting Offical Right about Now! If you want in apply if you were in before PM me!

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RP Experience: i like to roleplay alot so i will be good


Gaming Experience:i have played for a while now but the only weapon i can supply is an axe but i will be happy to scavange for another weapon if required

Name:if irl (in real life) luke and if in-game mrmimosizer

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Age: 19

timezone: GMT

Gender: male

RP experience: played alot of role playing games so im pretty good at it

Country: UK

Gaming experience: been playing for a while now , fully equppied M104 and M9SD with plenty of supplys and own tent

Name: Luke (in-game name: Chrissie)

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Age: 20

Timezone: PST

Gender: Male

RP Experience: Atleast 10 Years

Country: USA

Gaming Experience: 10+ Years, A few days of DayZ

Name: Ingame - Jirog

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Age: 20

Timezone: PST

Gender: Male

RP Experience: Several Years

Country: USA

Gaming Experience: 10+ Years, A few days of DayZ

Name: Ingame - Jirog

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When Accepted You will be PM the Tunngle Info(Network)!

So, If you are in now Be ready!

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Just Fill out Our application!

Age: 15

Timezone: London

Gender: Male

RP Experience: Not much, but i have on other games so i get the idea.

Country: Wales, UK.

Gaming Experience: Above average.

Name: Luke Seel (R/L) In-game: Seely

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Seely You are in but what part do you want Military Or Government

You are all citizens so!

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Age: 17

Timezone: Eastern Standard

Gender: Male

RP Experience: A bit, fairly considerate amount

Country: Canada

Gaming Experience: Substantial

Name: Roberto

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