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dopy (DayZ)

Looking for people to play with

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I've been playing dayz for months on end now lone wolfing, and i've gotten tired of it, every time I get killed by a bunch of people because I didn't see them coming, or I get sniped by someone without even knowing where it came from. I want to team up with atleast one other person, but i'd preffer more.

I live in belgium and i'm on gmt+1 , tho I usually play around 2AM-5AM my time, so I can play with you US folks, i'm fluent in english, I got a mic and whatnot. I'm looking for people to hang out with, scavenge, kill people, or even help people such as new spawns and whatnot, I will be posting this topic in both the bandit campfire and the survivor HQ, please add me on skype if you're interested and post your own skype name in this thread, for some reason I need to add people myself before it shows me that they added me, thanks!


Edited by dopy

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The Walking Militia is always looking for people to recruit.

I'm not exactly looking for anything "too" big...

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