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Server Admins

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N1 after 3 Days of collecting on the DE 2044 Server My Friend and me got 1 Car and 1 V3S with many Weapons and other Stuff.

Now all things are lost and the [RTMJ] Members kicked me and my Friend always from Server.

Looks like Whitelistet open servers are not so open!

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That's what happens when you pick a server that has a server admin who still lives with his parents.

Find a server with a good admin.

I've been killed, my camp raided, my vehicle stolen, etc. and the most I'll "abuse" my powers is using global chat to say "Touché, good sir" if it was a particularly crafty/well aimed shot. I'd rather people play on my server than act like a child and kick everyone off. What good is amassing weapons/gear if you have no one to shoot in the face or run around with as a squad?

In either case, this is the wrong forum section for this. Please go here and submit your thread to the Server Reporting area.

It's a shame the vast majority of players and server admins alike are self-entitled smug bastards. That's also why I don't spam my server details all over the forums. I don't want the random riffraff. I'd rather get people joining my server consistently because they enjoy it. I've already met folks on the forums or just organically met them and helped them in game that has resulted in them bringing more people over to my server to play regularly.

Not sure how you can find good admins reliably. Because getting a very crappy rent-a-server DayZ box only costs $25/mo, every child runs one and runs it poorly. If you can manage it, try an steer clear of anyone running a shared game server and stick to people running full on VPS or Dedicated Servers. It may be flawed logic, but as the cost of maintaining the server goes up, the kiddies tend to be unable to afford to run it.

I frequently run up and down the coast with a vehicle (if I have one) passing out gear and weapons. It's fun. Sometimes I just murder everyone. That's fun too. But you bet that you'll be on a level playing field as me and I won't retaliate in any way that you couldn't legitimately retaliate against me as well. We're out there, find the good servers.

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As an admin who is direly trying to avoid admin abuse, I apologize for the others. I am also trying to manage actively, but the mod does not do me any favors. Case in point, when we actually had a teleporter hacker on my server, it was impossible to determine who it was. I actually started trying to determine who was or wasn't and took a leap of faith and kicked two people. Half the server died that day, and I don't even know if I got the guy. I felt terrible.

It's also near impossible to communicate with others in case somebody DOES catch the name, but is shot.. and can't type it to anybody. So ARGGGG. As an admin trying to be a good admin, it's difficult. I imagine some don't even try do to the near futile nature of the task.

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thx for let me know where i have to post this things.

Sorry, for wrong Place but i was so pissed after all the hard work.

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