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Tent Raid Stories

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So then, my friend and I spent most of our time on DayZ yesterday setting up tents and raiding other tents. We got our tents set up pretty far north. Well you reap what you sow. We had raided a lot of tents and had collected an armory of 15 weapons including, AS50, Bizon, Two G17s, MK 48, M4A1, and several other guns. I logged on today to find all our weapons except the MK 48 and a Colt had been stolen. They were kind enough to leave some ammunition and medical gear but that was it. I don't know if they saved the tents after raiding them so I'll have to wait for the server restart to find out.

My question is, what is the best tent raid you have ever done and what is the worst tent raid done to your tent(s)?

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It all started when I logged into my usual sniper spot south of Stary and spotted another guy in a ghillie suit laying prone just 3-4 meters from me to my left. Turned around and, without thinking, shot him in the face with my DMR.

Turns out he had an AS50, range finders, and tons of other awesome stuff. Basically all the best gear in the game. Sadly, I was so excited that within five minutes I somehow got shot in the face by another AS50 from out of nowhere, despite the fact that I was in a ghillie and under a large pine tree.

I was pretty damn sad as I respawned until I made my way about 800-1000 meters into the woodline north of the coast and spotted a tent. Checked it out... AS50, ghillie, rangefinders, coyote backpack, tools.... everything I had lost plus some. It seems the gods of DayZ were looking out for me after all.

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Best tent raid i ever did was when some wally posted in this forum about a hacker/duper camp. He had tried to kill it, but under the last patch it was no dice, so he posted the name an location here. I raided it 3 times, got killed the second time. The third time acquired 3x AS50 TWS. Yeah yeah, I'm a bad man, etc etc.

Best non hacker cam raid was on 1.7.4 when I found a tent far North with an L85. I was the first person in my group to have one, and dudes were following me round in case I got shot so they could have it.

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My best tent raid story! We take our Pickup Truck to the north coast! Start heading all the way to the west, when coming up over a ridge we notice a bus in the middle of no where, around 054 002. We park our SUV around 200m away nothing crazy and I set up overwatch while my partner takes a look at the tents. There was approximately 20 tents so I assumed it was the server owners camp. I quickly snuck up to a tent and grabbed an MK48 and then returned to overwatch. As I'm watching my teammate check the remaining few tents the camp EXPLODES, the bus is gone and all of the tents but 3 and my teammate is DEAD. I'm in a ghillie hiding on a hill looking around for who blew it up. I look left, look right can't find anyone. Suddenly I get shot once and I have no idea where from, so I quickly stand up and run to my left. As I'm running I see someone crouched in a tree whereing a ghillie unloading a fully automatic rifle. I take a crouching position, promptly fire 5 AS50 Nato rounds into him and nothing happens. I quickly log out afterwards assuming he's a scripter.

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A camp site recently set up like 100 m from mine. I thought it was my friend as the last i saw him was in this location on another server and he left a message asking for 'Truck' Cords on a public forum.

I spoke to one of his friends who was in his group. I was like "enjoying the fixed Fueltank?" (i recently fixed up their vehicle at the camp). "He was like we don't have a Pickup truck...."

I was 6000m from camp and cycled back asap... crossing the NW airfield lol....

Grabbed the vehicle and started loading the vehicle with my tent stuff.

Then.... I was Snipped. Told my budds my cords.... 5 minutes, 3 players died; all from the enemy camp :D

The ironic thing was i was on the server all day looking at the neighbor camp even when the server was empty with only me on it!

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We play in a small group. Our first guy in the North found a bunch of bodies... he told us where the bodies were, looted some, and headed to camp. While he was dropping off stuff at camp (camp was fine), a couple of our guys + me finally arrived at the bodies, and we were looting more. That first guy heads back to the bodies to pick up more, and the rest of us headed towards camp to drop off what we looted...

When the rest of us got to camp, there was a SUV that had squished all of our 20(?) tents. We had 3? AS50s, an L85, 4? M107s, SAWs, bunch of FNFALs/DMRs/etc, grenades, 1 antibiotics, tons of food/water/med supplies, NVGs, and 3 bikes and an ATV (which was also blown up now). It was a 2-3 month old camp for the group.

Then a ghillie suited AS50 guy shoots me, and one of our guys shoots him in the back with an AS50 but ghillie guy doesn't die (he turns and kills our guy). Then our other guy shoots the ghillie guy in the head, and the ghillie guy actually dies. Then a few seconds later, ghillie guy magically appears with our first guy (who is then back at the bodies, thousands of meters away) and kills him. Then ghillie guy shows up on the coast to kill freshly spawned me (again thousands of meters away)... so I go to server with 1 person on it to spawn again... and while it might not be the same one, a ghillie as50 guy shows up to kill me maybe 5-10 min later. Our first guy changes his name, gets to camp, and starts looting the best of the gear left on our bodies. He also studies the "ghillie guy" body to see his name & sees a ton of scripted in gear on the "ghillie guy" body.

The next day our tents were magically back, and the day after that, there was a blown up truck sitting in the middle of all our re-squished tents.

We decided to abandon camp, and everyone changed names. While regearing in the South, we found that every other player in Cherno and Elektro seemed to have AS50s, SVDs and L85s, etc. It's easier to get good gear in the starting cities than it was to search/loot all those heli crash sites, lol! I'm not even joking... we've found (and lost) more good guns in Elektro and Cherno lately than we did in 2-3 months of playing up North, looking for crash sites, etc.

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