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Sarevok (DayZ)

People really gotta start hiding their tents in better spots.

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I set up a few tents, put nothing in them, and checked on them later.

Stupidly, some people had started using them.

Seriously, why would you do that?

I'm just going to loot it a little at a time for as long as they're stocking it up...

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If anyone wants to loot there little heart out. I know of an admins tent city with lots of vehicles. Warning: He bans you from his server if you are caught there.

Servername: fr151 Grid ref 002 094. Was there as of lunchtime today

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I don't think DayZ has great dynamics for setting up bases/camps.

So in other words, a lawless land is not a good place to try to use nylon tents for secure storage? I'm shocked.

There are plenty of good ways to set up bases, you just have to use a lot of imagination.

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I've found like 3 camp sites in the past week. 2 of them had spare ghillie suits in them and TONS OF WEAPONS. The first one I found I was with a friend, and it had like 3 DMR's 2 AS50's NVG's Bizon SD M4a1, pretty much 1 of every military gun minus the machine guns. Tons of food and water, we took what we could carry, even upgraded our backpacks. The 2nd time I found another ghillie suit, some hacked m40a3 (its an m24 w/ camo) and a bunchhhh of mags for it.

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In my time playing, I have encountered a lot of camps with tons of equipment (both legit and scripted in).. and the funny thing is, all these camps (tent cities) were around 100-500m away from each other.

Our camp got raided recently too, but that was after it existing for more than two weeks.

Moved entire camp, clan has both server's Hilux, Ural and Huey.

Very long trip to secondary.

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Yeah, I have seen this, but what surprises me is that I go onto this server and go to setup my base (my previous home server got shut down but my character was still in the spot where I was setting up my camp) and yeah, I go to the place only to find... not one, two or three tents full of valuable loot, but seven!

It had EVERYTHING an experienced survivor/ bandit would hope to find.

Multiple sets of NVG's

All the parts required to max green a vehicle

A mk48 mod 0 LMG (3 mags inc)

CZ550 (7 mags)

3 Sets of guillie suits

Cammo clothing


AS50 with 2 Mags


and all the nooby tools you would expect to find when your at the coast.

Not only did I find this base where I was gonna set mine up at, but I found an additional THREE bases roughly one to two kilometres distant from the first one. They all had moderately good loot in it.

Just as a tip as well: If your looking for bases yourself, I would look at the DayZ map and anywhere theres a land mark (Be it city/ town/ river) theres a high chance of a base being there.

Also look at VERY high mountains.

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On my first life in DayZ, got out of Cherno and was heading to Balota, when in the middle of a clearing I see a tent, I think it's a trap so I take a good look around, then I check the tent: 2x M107 with mags, M24 with mags, 4x M4A1 CCO SD with mags, G17C with mags, food water, NVGs, Rangefinder, was so happy

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