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ok since we already have vehicles i think we should go a step forward and add mountables think of it like its like this way your in a forest and you find a leoperd so you take a tranqrilizer gun and shoot the leoperd and you tame it and then you ride into cherno and your on your leoperd mount and you go to the church and theirs some other noob with a lion mountable so you go up to him with your high dps machine gun and mow that noob down and then you ride out of town and your leoperd levels up so you can assign different skills to your mountables like more strength so it can do more damage and carry more or more stamina so it can run longer or more agility so it can jump higher or more endurence so u can make it have more health or more you can add perks and skills so that you can level it up and it has a new perk point and u youse that perk points to buy a new upgrade like the ability to roar with your mountable and scar all the zombies away and i think its really cool thanks you for reaidng please comment below rate and subscribe <333

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