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Please fix the Hatchet range

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There is a "sweet spot" for distance, where a target must be in order to be hit. You can of course be too far away and that's good. However, you can also be TOO CLOSE...

This is frustrating as hell, and you find yourself having to back up from zombies so that your hatchet doesn't pass through them like a ghost. Meanwhile, they can absolutely slash the crap out of you.

I know there are other issues with the hatchet (like "reloading" it, in a game priding itself on realism). But this one actually hampers gameplay. Any thing in a line from center-mass on the player to the tip of the hatchet should count as a strike. Or perhaps in a slash-arc. The "strike" spot should not be a single dot 5 feet in front of you.

Thanks and happy hunting!

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And even if you get a successful hit on a zombie, they somehow hit you after death~


I also agree that the sweet spot exists, and needs to be fixed...

Edited by Xelous

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i havent had any issues like this with the hatchet. Not saying there not true, i just havent had the problem of being to close or being hit after killing them

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There seems to be a minimum hitting distance for guns as well. I can remember shooting "through" zombies standing directly in front of me with an AKM (and other guns). Pretty annoying if you are surrounded...

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this is more of a bug than a suggestion - but sniping with my hachet is awesome

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It is annoying, there is nothing worse then shooting through a zombie that is munching on you. But from what I understand ARMA 2 has no provision for a melee attack so the hatchet is a ranged weapon with 10000 ammo, a really short range and makes almost no sound. I don't think these problems can be fixed due to the limitations of ARMA 2.

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I just love the fact that hatchets need to be reloaded. Ever been in this scenario?

Player 1- There's some good loot on the other side of those zombies, lets take em' all out.

Player 2- brb reloading my hatchet

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