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DayZ takistan opinion

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At present it is very poor, though i understand it is still at very early stages.

First - Loot, rubble and quite a few bushes seem to be flying about 1-2 feet from the ground or building floors.

Second issue is the sounds, your in the desert right? well if you was blind you wouldn't thing so. you can hear the sea and birds like your stood in the middle of cherno and it breaks the feel of it

Third issue is the zombies, not only do they not look the part. As in, when would you see lumber jacks in the desert lol. But there completely broken to nearly all the buildings.

Within tens mins of playing, i had zombies stopping at stairs, walking under buildings and hitting me from underneath. Floating in front of doors, getting stuck on invisible debris.

Could only play for ten mins before i decided it wasn't ready to be played

Will watch what happens with it in the future, but at present it is very poor

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Hmmm, sounds like it needs more work. I don' think that map is for me anyway.

@Void_False - Keep trying someone will answer you eventually, either that or you'll need the dreaded 3rd party software.

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Hmmm, sounds like it needs more work. I don' think that map is for me anyway.

@Void_False - Keep trying someone will answer you eventually, either that or you'll need the dreaded 3rd party software.

He needs the dreaded 3rd party software!

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Hmmm, sounds like it needs more work. I don' think that map is for me anyway.

@Void_False - Keep trying someone will answer you eventually, either that or you'll need the dreaded 3rd party software.

Dreaded 3rd party? Are you implying DayZ Commander? What is your view on dayz commander? What do you use? (Not being pesky just interested! :P)

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At present it is very poor, though i understand it is still at very early stages.

First - Loot, rubble and quite a few bushes seem to be flying about 1-2 feet from the ground or building floors.

Second issue is the sounds, your in the desert right? well if you was blind you wouldn't thing so. you can hear the sea and birds like your stood in the middle of cherno and it breaks the feel of it

Third issue is the zombies, not only do they not look the part. As in, when would you see lumber jacks in the desert lol. But there completely broken to nearly all the buildings.

Within tens mins of playing, i had zombies stopping at stairs, walking under buildings and hitting me from underneath. Floating in front of doors, getting stuck on invisible debris.

Could only play for ten mins before i decided it wasn't ready to be played

Will watch what happens with it in the future, but at present it is very poor

And OT: Yes I spawned in the middle of the desert I was like feck this lol; maybe it would be better if there were WAY more vehicles than chernaurs

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And OT: Yes I spawned in the middle of the desert I was like feck this lol; maybe it would be better if there were WAY more vehicles than chernaurs

Lee is working on adding more vehicles and was even wanting to put in the Lynx helicopter!

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I played a few rounds on it and outside of the basic bugs with loot floating, & zombies not always going where they are supposed to I'd say the map likely isn't too bad with DayZ in mind.

Seems like it will be a interesting map as the loot spawns (from what I can see) all seem to funnel everyone close to the main roads and with hills on both sides just about everywhere and rocks to hide behind, it's gonna make for some nice ambushing.

So far the servers I see with it, don't have the best pings for my location & I've had a bit of lag, but I've still managed to kill a few guys as well as get killed 2 or 3 times in just a short time on the map. It might be big but there is a lot of barren wasteland that is useless I think it will funnel players close to each other.

JMHO though I think it would be great if it were limited to just Lee Enfields, shot guns & pistols.. The high end sniper rifles might make it rough, once guys start getting geared up..

Edited by crockett

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Just a question, is the Takistan map like Lingor in the fact it's small, and has loot in just about every 100-200m? Or is it reasonably well sized and has a fair if not scarce amount of loot and large wilderness like Chernarus?

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Just a question, is the Takistan map like Lingor in the fact it's small, and has loot in just about every 100-200m? Or is it reasonably well sized and has a fair if not scarce amount of loot and large wilderness like Chernarus?

You know, Chernarus is a big map but with a lot of shitty towns with poor loot.

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Ive been on this map since 10.30am GMT, There are some issues, regarding rocks and stuff floating off the ground. Had a hacker who teleported us to the middle of nowhere, but we were transported back in no time. Finding other players is easy as you can just look for zed activity in towns and villages. However snipers will need to get one shot or their plot will be discovered. there is cover and certain parts are green but not a lot of it at all. A huge desert with shrubbery here and there.

There is a base like Sobor / Novy and it is a sight to behold, tents in the air, cars flying, gear spawning in ground (accessible mind) It's worth playing and is huge, but be warned you may be walking in one direction and you'll think you've gone off map. Finding loot is easy and there is a lot of it, maps are common.

The air bases are packed full of loot (every time i visited there were farmers taking all the gear and putting it in hangars - very defensive) and there are enough military bases around to gear up in.

The biggest let down is Vehicles, there are a lot of them and the problem is no Industrial areas so no spare parts. I have found busses, Gaz? bicycles, and another car type. I found only 1 chopper roto assembly and never came across a crashed chopper (there are some on map)

Zeds lose interest after a short run, lose LOS and your safe, but like an update a while ago, they can sometimes see you for miles.

Weapons are the norm, but I found them harder to find and did not come across a hatchet at all (They are in however) Not one tank trap nor fence. and only 1 tent.

These observations were made since 10.30am so a lot of time was spent in game.

Have fun and Be ready to die a lot.

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The OP has not yet ridden in a plane singing "Come fly with me" Only then will you understand takistan.

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I find it very odd that nobody seems to have a problem with the severe lack of medical spawns. After hours and days of playing I have found 2 blood bags. Both at crashed choppers inside medical boxes. I also find that maps are incredibly rare based on my only finding one in the entire time I played. I also checked somewhere around 50-75 dead bodies I came across, none of which had a map or compass. Hell I even found the rare and cursed mountain dew.

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Blood bags are very hard to find !

Last night our group gathered after an airfield run and 1 guy was down to 5000ish blood. We picked a quiet spot and went hunting for critters, with several gathered i very carefully started a fire and we all cooked up what we killed with the wood i had gathered the day before.

Wood is hard to find, matchers and a hunting knife are gold, and the fact we spent 30 minuets just doing this before we could move on tells me this map is doing it correct. The zeds are crazy and thick at loot spawns, wood and water are hard to find, and the map is a barren and hostle and will spit you out and stomp on you.

No tents full of gear, no duped items, just luck and carefull gameplay and a group to work with, this is DAYZ at its core for me, and its my story :}


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The Takistan map is a good addition to DayZ. As mars1 posted above, it is hostile and you have to work at survival. I searched an entire small village (8 to 10 buildings) and found 2 drinks but no food. Lots of stuff I couldn't use, just like a real apocalypse survival situation. Thank goodness for my friends in our group. :thumbsup:

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Tryed today... buggy map, meaning object float in the air, loot inside the wall and floor. military tents etc on curved surfaces that is looks so stupid when half hanging in the air, same with fence on hill side its so stupid looking... Car/truck wreckages everywhere even on mountain tops/sides :D

Blood is hard to find indeed.. and I get huge fps drop always when entering city, doesnt happen in regular dayz... at least that bad.(less zeds?)

Edited by Zeppa

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Blood bags are very hard to find !

Last night our group gathered after an airfield run and 1 guy was down to 5000ish blood. We picked a quiet spot and went hunting for critters, with several gathered i very carefully started a fire and we all cooked up what we killed with the wood i had gathered the day before.

Wood is hard to find, matchers and a hunting knife are gold, and the fact we spent 30 minuets just doing this before we could move on tells me this map is doing it correct. The zeds are crazy and thick at loot spawns, wood and water are hard to find, and the map is a barren and hostle and will spit you out and stomp on you.

No tents full of gear, no duped items, just luck and carefull gameplay and a group to work with, this is DAYZ at its core for me, and its my story :}


And cool "new" choppers to play with :D


ps. ima pro at parking to refill ;)

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i for one am loving the new map..

keep em coming folks..

the other nice part is having various maps out now is really spreading the players out. those that only want KoS are playing Utes, those that are bored of Cherna are trying Lingor/Taki.

all in all its a good time to be playing DayZ.

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After playing this map a few times, I'm of the opinion that the zeds need to be toned down a bit during the day time being there is really no where to hide or try to stay under cover. I had 18 zombies chasing me the other day and it was pretty damn annoying as it gets old very fast, specially when you are trying to hunt other players.

If you are working with another player it's next to impossible to not aggro half the zombies in a town..

The map however is actually very good for PVP and playing as a bandit.. Tons of places to ambush people & the way the towns are set up it just naturally forces players into the areas around the main roads. It's also a great map to just use a Lee Enfield on, if you are PVPing.

Edited by crockett

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Is it just me or are people more friendly? A few days ago I flew people around with my Little Bird and Chinook and yesterday I had an UAZ full of randoms, we were looting barracks and looking for choppers and no one shot at each other.

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DayZ Chernarus = For New People

DayZ Lingor = For bored People

DayZ Takistan = For real Hardcore squads (since if you already have playing ArmA II: OA time ago)

you know, North airfield of takistan a lot of barracks, a lot of pvp, a lot of sniper (they died instantly because is a fucking desert)

Bazman and Razman funny pvp, Close quarter combat in the residentials, roofs... etc.

If you want to enjoy the DayZ, play DayZ Takistan, is my advice.

Edited by Erasus

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