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So my character was Female for a long time and many lives and all of a sudden...

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So like the title states, I chose female when I got the prompt and had no issues, been playing as the female survivor for a long while then all of a sudden last night after being shot it decides to spawn me as a male character.. Now I've died as female before and came back female which is why this is odd.

Is this ever going to be fixed? My fiancee got the prompt and she chose female as well but spawned immediately as a male.. Kinda silly to give us a 1 in a cd-key life type thing and it not work properly at all.

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My fiancee got the prompt and she chose female as well

I thought the whole idea of the gender was to reflect your actual gender into the game. Unless you're a lesbian couple I think you're gonna be stuck male.

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I as well had same thing happen was female for longest time then bam now im a male. (._. )

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