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Operation C.H.E.R.N.O

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Video will be up whenever my buddy gets it up, heres a short synopsis.

Spotted a group of about 7-8 people in Chernogorsk working together to secure the city and get sniper spots to possibly loot a lot, could of possibly been more.

Me and my group of four people (not including myself) planted C4 charges and two of us took sniper positions as us three went into town and planted the charges. One on the tallest building. one near the hospital, one near the city hall. We got away and my buddy pulled out his M136, after clearing the way, we touched off our Satchels and shot the M136. 6 people died and I assume the other two to however many logged. We went in with our Ural, grabbed their gear (2 L85's, 2 AS50's, a M4A1 Holo, M4a1 CCO SD, Bizon, and a DMR + 3 M9SD's, multiple grenades and tools).

Sooo much loot and Cherno was left in a WRECK.

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