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A Metal Viking

Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3

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Prefer the more serious type I guess, but good to have a laugh,

and a MIC is a must.

Age of 18+

Good if your on regulary.

We are a decent group of players that take a more tactical approach.

We also mostly aim to engage other players.

We are from the UK.

Message me if interested,

We use Skype and Mumble atm, Talk soon maybe =)

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i'm 16, can be serious if playing tactically, and funny when playing casually. You said 18+ but if you want a mature experienced player then hit me up.

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- Im aged 18,

- from the UK (Newcastle)

- rather experienced,

- on as much as i can be however can be on more if i find a group worth playing with,

- have a mic and skype.

- I'm mature and play seriously but can have a laugh

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it sounds like you guys are exactly what I'm looking for,

I'm 28, also from the UK (Reading to be precise), been playing about a month, I've become quite proficient at pretty much everything, and I'm getting bored of running through the NWAF and hunting for helicopter crash sites looking for stuff that's better than what I currently have (and not finding anything good 95% of the time).

I'm particularly interested in the tactical group v group / group hunting aspects.

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