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korpisoturi (DayZ)

People finding tents little bit too easy?

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So we have this huge map.

Server has usually max players of 14, normally 5-10.

Tent gets looted with in 45min when tent is assembled.

Second server, about same ammount of people. Took 12 hours for someone to "find" tents.

Both time, tents were not somewhere in the open, but well hidden (couldn't see them until 100m or closer) and in aircover.

Tents were not in maps borders, but in area no one has reason to go. (not between towns and not near deerstands).

How is it possible to someone find tents so fast,everytime? Is everyone using ESP or those fucking map-cheats which show all vehicles and tents in server?

Apparently using tents doesn't make any sense, even after they have been fixed(or have they??)

Sincerely, "waiting for the standalone"

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It is not that people are finding them easy.

It is that dumb asses don't how to place tents.

Most common hiding spots for tents are well known and people just go place their tents exactly there.

You know what? Place them near the spawn. Its safer then far up north. Since everyone is up there searching for tents.

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You know what? Place them near the spawn. Its safer then far up north. Since everyone is up there searching for tents.

this guy is totally right i have tent all along the coast minus the major cities and the only problems i run into is they might disappear after a server restart that's about it, and they usually reappear after next server restart so if you choose a good spot by the coast really never run into an issue of getting raided.

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People are putting up tents in the doorways to churches, fire stations and stores! They're not even tryin to hide their tents behind bushes. I'm mean, come on! I've seen them in the middle of streets! Mad and daft! :o :D

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It is not that people are finding them easy.

It is that dumb asses don't how to place tents.

Most common hiding spots for tents are well known and people just go place their tents exactly there.

You know what? Place them near the spawn. Its safer then far up north. Since everyone is up there searching for tents.

Pretty much this. That and there are enough veteran players out there that may more or less know all the common southern tent locations (well hidden or naught).

Perhaps people should start playing on lingor island servers or something.

Edited by Deetwo

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People are putting up tents in the doorways to churches, fire stations and stores! They're not even tryin to hide their tents behind bushes. I'm mean, come on! I've seen them in the middle of streets! Mad and daft! :o :D

Those are more known to be "its a tarp!"

Tents are easily hidden up north if you put them in very specific clusters of trees. Its just really easy to see the square shaped bright green thing than anything else.

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People are putting up tents in the doorways to churches, fire stations and stores! They're not even tryin to hide their tents behind bushes. I'm mean, come on! I've seen them in the middle of streets! Mad and daft! :o :D

I think those are sniper traps mate lol. They set a tent up in a high traffic area so people take pause at it, then jam a .50 in their dome.

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if you think your putting your tent in a hard to find spot, stop ant think for one second.

"do i really think nobody would look here?" or "would I look here?"

Or do you think your thoughts are always completely original? People that play games usually think alike dude. Your original thoughts are never original.

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Those are more known to be "its a tarp!"

Tents are easily hidden up north if you put them in very specific clusters of trees. Its just really easy to see the square shaped bright green thing than anything else.

Obligatory "it's a tarp" post.


As for the obvious tent location you mentioned, it's exactly as you stated. I've experienced it myself when someone put a tent by the Elektro supermarket. Luckily the sniper was a pretty lousy sniper at that.

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My favourite tent spot is the top of the hill just north of stary military camp.

It is nice and easy to use without being a 'tarp' and gets most business for my wares. I tend to fill it with food, medical, tools and ammo of the none sniper kind.

People have even started leaving useful items in it now.

It is like a little wilderness honesty box.

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It is that dumb asses don't how to place tents.

Most common hiding spots for tents are well known and people just go place their tents exactly there.

You know what? Place them near the spawn. Its safer then far up north. Since everyone is up there searching for tents.

Tent wasn't far north, more like littlebit north from the middle. And atleast I wouldn't searched tents there if I was tent hunting.

Not easily seen from anywhere. And no it wasn't in obvious place.

Well, I quess I put my next tent somewhere south, in middle forrest or something

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Tents in open areas and church doors and so on are just traps. They are not noobs placing tents in bad places. People have placed those tents in open areas for one of two reasons; to tempt others into range for a clear kill shot or they are farming a building and dumping all the loot in a tent to get the loot to respawn.

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