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Upgrade to find worse FPS...

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Hey all. More problems! As the title implies, I switched my hardware out. I had a Phenom x4 955 @3.0Ghz, M4A77T Mobo, AMD 6870

Switched for a Phenom x4 940, (smaller I know but I have this cranked to 3.8Ghz) BIOstar TA890FXE mobo.

Not much of an Up, i guess. But 900Mhz speed wise and a mobo with a better chipset.

= quarter the frames? I used to be able to max this game no problem, now when I sign in it's a slideshow. I've tried multiple servers, re boot, have all drivers Downloaded... I'm at a loss here.. :/

Does the ARMA engine recognize your hardware and you need to re install to upgrade or something?

PS: Not much of an upgrade proc wise, my 955 died.

BUT, the difference between the 940 and the 955 is minimal, and I have the 940 cranked to almost 4Ghz, where as i couldn't OC the 955.

That's why I call this an upgrade. Even if it's not an upgrade it isn't a downgrade, i shouldn't lose ANY frames..

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Hate to nag, but BUMP.

Hoping a staff member or something sees this, because as it stands I upgraded and cannot play.


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Windows 7 32Bit.

heres a CPU Validation http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2404608 for extra info.

No, I haven't reinstalled the OS, lost my disk T_T. But It runs all other games as it should with 0 problems.

Starcraft 2, Diablo 3. I know they arent hardware intensive but i should have problems in those games also no..?

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