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15-20 fps on low...

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So on 1024x768 resolution and all low settings I'm getting an unplayable framrate, often dropping to 12. My specs are

AMD Athlon quad core 630 processor ~2.8ghz

4gb ram

GT520 2GB

windows 7 home premium

I can play battlefiled 3 on medium at 30fps and skyrim on highish at 25-40 fps. This game looks like a blob, can hardly see a thing because everything is so blurry because it looks like a game I would play on my N64. Yet it runs like a game that should look like a graphical masterpiece. I know this might not be specifically Dayz related but considering how I have to play arma 2 to play DayZ I figure it is somewhat related. Is there any way to make the game run faster without turning the resolution down to the eye sores under 1024x768?

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Your midgets are not peddling fast enough it would seem. Crack the whip harder.


Open the following file:

C:\Users\yourname\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.cfg

find the line GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; and change to 100


Make sure memory in options is on default, not high.

Make sure view range is under 3500

turn off post processing if you like (clearer view I think)

make sure rendering and 3d resolution are the same value.

Edited by disorder
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I have had a drama before when I've had firefox left open in the background, it doesn't use CPU but something about having the two open causes my FPS to drop to unplayable levels with a 2700K and 560Ti.

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