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Minor artefacts, Flashing/strobing objects in towns- causing FPS loss?

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We all know the major graphic artefacts that affect DayZ, with the model stretching and warping across the screen with big triangles.

However, I have seen a new graphic artefact since the last Arma Patch 1.62. It only appears to be either with DayZ or Chernarus (if Im not playing DayZ I'm normally on Takistan and I havent seen it there)

Basically the graphical bug is a when I am in a town and I will see an object start disapearing and reapearing very quickly, it looks like it is flashing or strobing. Objects I have seen do this are; Mailboxes, walls, gates and other such objects in towns. They never start tearing or gltiching across the screen, just flashing on a off very quickly.

I also think this is related to performance. Performance in medium to big sized towns can be pretty average anyway (as we know) But I have noticed that when I get very large stutters or major FPS dips suddenly in towns (when look a particular direction), I usually see some of these flashing objects. I wonder it is related?

Anyone else seeing this?

Edited by SeanOfTheDead

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I am getting FPS drop in the big cities but im putting that down to my hardware (shouldn't run on my rig but somehow it does).

As for objects appearing quickly ive only seen it happen once. Will post back if it happens though

Edited by Muky

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