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immortal revolt

Cheater named A/\oEnS on SE 4 server

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Hello! Im sorry that this have to be my first post...

I was playing on SE 4 (GMT+2) running in the wilderness and i noticed a bandit with a lee following me, I runned behind a tree and turned around fo face him. I emptyed two clips of akm on him atleast 10 headshots and he just runned up to me and executed me point blank. Im on UTC +1 timezone and this happend around 15:35 to 16:00.

Hes name is A/\oEnS

Those people destroying the game

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I have been killed by a ghost seconds after spawn in the wilderness 2 times now, not counting this time as I was not fresh spawn this time. I join a server and bam somebody shot me within seconds in the freaKIN WILDERNESS! We need to gett those fuckers of the servers, its pointless to play if you cant defend yourself....

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