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Event - BSB Bounty HunterZ

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Our weekly event, details can be found on the link


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It was availble to registered users of the website. Ive maede it viewable to all browsers now.

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Well done to Outlaws clan for their interest in the tournament!

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You'll never take us alive! Nore will you take us dead....that can only leave one outcome....your death! Step down all wanabe bounty hunters! The Outlaws will seriously mess you up!

(providing you play fair as we do, so no alt f4, ghosting behind us from different servers or hack tracking) other than that bring it on!

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1 target has been eliminated - 6 left!

Details, hit lists and rules can all be found here;


New hit list is published Monday! non-members welcome to volunteer to be "Target bandits". Other clans interested in taking part as a fire team should contact me.

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I like the idea but atm got more important stuff to do with my team, good luck with it though

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No problems, it's a weekly event and it's open to non-members (as targets) and stable clans that can register a team. It will hopefully going for a while yet as we already have quite a good number of "targets" volunteering and at least 5 teams competing!

Copy of this week's hit list;

Hit list targets to be eliminated by Monday 24th September. This list details the targets, any bonus objectives and any intel we have on their likely location, server or associated info (such as clan website, teamspeak server). Eliminate with extreme prejudice to receive the associated Bounty Points on each target!


1. Outlaw Bish (AKA Bish).

An active member on the "Outlawz" bandit clan active within Day Z. He's likely to be with other members of their clan and they are very heavily armed and aggressive. This guy won't come easy! These guys have their own secret server and secure base. They roam various servers causing mayhem and look to be UK based. Their clan website is here; http://www.dayzoutlaws.enjin.com/home

Bounty $1000 - CLAIMED BY DELTA

Bonus $500 per team mate killed - CLAIMED (1 Accomplice Killed)

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet!

2. Sizqo

This guy is one of our own! He's brave and volunteered to take on our own hounds of hell! He's a lone wolf and a bit of a wild card! He's prepared and ready to take on our best - so he's either bat-shit crazy or really well prepared with guts of steel! He's likely to be frequenting any of our own members servers and on our TS3 server! He should be working alone!

Bounty $1000 - CLAIMED BY DELTA!

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet

3. Outlaw Vinyard

Another memebr of the Outlawz clan. He looks to be active and some kind of ring leader of a small group last seen around Balota! He's on a mission to secure vehicles. He is also likely to be well armed and accmanid by ruthless team mates!

Bounty $1000

Bonus $500 per team mate killed

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet!

4 Short Bus Hero

Bit of a wild card here, this guy was last seen advertsiing for other bandits here; http://dayzmod.com/f...for-clansquad/

We're not even 100% sure of his In-game name or his location but he is reasonably well armed and may have an accomplice!

Bounty $1000

Bonus $500 per accomplice killed

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet!

5. Goldie AK JPLowkey

This guy is another wild card, he's a bit of an unknown. He claims to be well armed but this is probably no more than an M4 or low level Sniper rifle. He's probably alone and unlikely to give our teams too much guff! That said he is an unknown and may use this to his advantage. We do have the info that his skype name is JPLowkey. Last seen here;


Bounty $1000

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet!

6. P5ykoO

An old friend of BSB network, this guy was last seen playing Day Z a couple of weeks back and is rumoured to have his own server and group. This is unconfirmed and the information we have on him and the group he maybe with is limited to none-existant! Advise caution in persuing this guy. His in-game name islikely to be P5ykoO but he may be going by an alias!

Bounty $1000

Bonus $500 per accomplice killed

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a hatchet!

7. Sgt.AssHat

This guy is a seasoned veteran. Make no mistakes, this guy is the real deal and quite active. He is UK based so is likely to be playing on GMT time and on UK/Euro servers. More details can be found at his profile here;


Bounty $1000

Bonus $500 per accomplice killed

Bonus $1000 if he's killed with a crowbar!

Edited by Box

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Bounties claimed on Sizqo and [ODZ] Bish, both claimed by our Delta Fire Team. Well done lads! 2 down, 5 more to go! Deadline is Sunday with a new hit list being posted Monday!

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It's all lies from Delta in afraid as far as killing 'Bish'.

I was all for this event but it seems people are just going to create profiles with the same name tag then kill their friend and take a screen shot. Thing is this screen shot doesn't even match my current in game name which is [ODZ] BISH $1000 also the weapon on the twitpic is not what I am currently using. Other factors: I have not been online in the past 24 hours, I have not been near Stary Sabor since last weekend.

I can't see how this event can be regulated unless you make users join a certain server at a certain time so there are also other bounty hunters to play witness to weather or not the kill was legit. And the hunted can confirm they are in the same sever.

Otherwise this event is simply just going to be to find out the persons tag, make a profile with their mate, kill them and take a picture.

It's a shame it has come to this in week 1 ! I loved the idea of this event but it seems people would rather lie for a fake online currency to get a leader board than actually come at me and actually try kill me. I hope this problem can be resolved as our clan would love to stay part of this but I'm afraid if this keeps up we won't bother in future.

I'll hold my hands up 100% when/if someone takes me out but at the moment Delta are lying to you and the whole community of legit bounty hunters.

Delta apologies if you have tagged someone else with the name Bish but I doubt it as it isn't a common tag name. It just seems far to much of a co-incodenced and seems more like a lie.

The rest of you can make of this as you want.

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Bit of an over-reaction Bish for a simple mistaken identity... As I've explained in the message I've sent you via the website, our guys havent staged any evidence, they have simply killed someone called "Bish", they even said in their report it was jsut a guy called bish and they didnt know if it was you or not. If it wasn't you then thats fair enough we'll take your word for it, all you needed to do was confirm with me (the tournament admin). Ther's no need to go off on a one throwing toys out of the pram!

We've been around for a long time and seen all the macho clan v clan bullshit and we aren't looking for that with this tournament, this tourmnaemnt was started with the best possible intentions in an effort to get serious players looking for long term objective playing together. It's very early days (week 2 now) and there's always going to be teething issues and things that need further development with events such as this that operate outside the game enforcement parameters. We have nothing to gain by "faking" our own tournament, not to mention that our guys are all adults in this for the fun! I see no need to question our integrity over such a trivial issue!

I'm very disapointed that you have reacted in such a negative way, not only making ridiculous accusations but publically undermining us like this. I had hoped we were dealing with a mature group with you guys, hence us invovling you from the start.


Week 2 is now underway, congratulations on those who participated in week 1. Unfortunately we had only one target confirmed as eliminated, but this was enough to give our own Delta fire team their first $1000 bounty and a further $500 bonus for activity and associated kills.

Week two's new targets have been published on our website now, all bar 1 player is a volunteer and therefore more likely to be obtainable. Any "leaks", intel on a player or feedback will appear on our Bounty HunterZ forum board throuout the week.

Good luck!

As ever we are taking volunteers for the hit list and all clans are welcome to submit a team if they wish (Please read rules first!!!!!)

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As no confirmed kills from the list were made last week we will extend the list for 1 week PLUS a Bonus objective has been added to the list. Check out the event page @ http://www.bsbnetwork.com/bountyhunterz for more details!

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