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Bandit story - Two dead snipers on Elektro hills

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TL DR: Heard AS50 fire from elektro hills. Friend spots 2 players. I flank around the back of the hill and inch closer. Dispatch first guy with an enfield round to the back of the head, second guy fails to shoot me with AK and I drop him with a shot to center mass. Loot : MK129/CCO SD/AS50/L85AWS/NV/Range/Full tools

Hey guys, been playing for about 3 months now and haven't posted anything yet. A couple of nights ago I had my two best kills so far in the game. I used to play as a neutral survivor, murdered occasionally if someone had nice gear but mostly played neutral. That got frustrating as I ended up being betrayed and killed a lot for letting people live so I switched to kill on sight. I know a lot of people frown upon it but it is what it is.

Anyway, my story begins with my friend and I being sniped ourselves. 10 person server and in the middle of nowhere west of Stalinsky island, we were quickly dispatched and I lost a full kit. AS50/CCO SD/range/nv/camo.

I had been alive for about a week so I was pretty excited to hit cherno/elektro for some action and regearing and wasn't disappointed. My friend spawned in ele and myself in cherno. I quickly looted a basic kit with the usual food/water/med and an Enfield. The enfield is my weapon of choice as a new spawn because of it's power in PvP. If you're a careful, patient shooter this gun can not be beaten.

I make my way to elektro to meet my friend and nothing of note really happens. I arrive at the hills to the north and scan over the city. There are zombies around but no players. My friend is atop the hospital and careful scouting around. I decide to meet him in the city and hit the firestations up to hopefully grab an AR. After waiting and scanning I decide it's safe to proceed, but 20 seconds after leaving cover I hear the familiar metalic snap of an AS50 coming straight from the sniper hill and a player is killed. I immediately head back to cover and inform my friend that I'm going to flank around the back of the sniper hill. He begins to careful observe it and spots two players. One in survivor gear and the other in soldiers clothes.

I reach the back of the hill and begin to make my way around about half way up when my friend informs me they're moving up the hill and he can no longer see them. I begin to make my way to the top and the adrenalin kicks in. I now have two well geared players in my area on the move and with no idea where they are. I move from tree to tree, scanning carefully. I reach the top and have still not seen either of them. From the top I begin to head down the face of the hill towards their last known location. Feeling extremely tense as I inch closer and closer, scanning feverishly, I finally spot the guy in civ clothing. He is crouched peering over the city with rangefinders. While I don't have eyes on his friend I quickly decide this opportunity is too perfect and line up his head with my enfield. I pull the trigger and he instantly dies with a perfect shot to the back of the head.

I immediately duck behind a large tree and again resume scanning like a madman. The adrenalin rush is in full swing at this point. I still cannot see his friend, who is 99% likely to be guarding the corpse from cover. Having nothing to lose and wanting to replace all my lost gear, I hatch a plan to move full speed to the corpse and crouch then instantly run again, hoping his friend is an impatient shot and reveals his location to me. He turned out to be even more impatient. Not closer than 20 meters to his body I hear full auto AK fire to my left and begin to serpentine towards it. I finally spot the barrel smoke as his clip hits empty. Not a single shot landed. (Not surprising given the lack of skill employed by this guy.). Seeing a chance to gain some advantage, I go prone and aim a shot at his chest. As I hit the deck he begins to throw what I can only assume is a grenade. My enfield breaks his throw with a shot directly into his center of mass. He falls down promptly and I stand up and begin to run sideways, fearing he got his grenade off.

No explosion follows and I walk up to his unconcious body, placing a final enfield round directly into his head. Looting the body I get an entire full kit again. AS50/85 AWS thermal/range/nv/full toolbelt and an extra set of soldiers clothing. My mate finally arrives on the scene and loots the other guy who was reasonably geared as well. I can't stop shaking from the adrenalin rush for a solid 5 minutes afterwards.

I hope this was somewhat enjoyable. It was my most impressive kills to date, stalking patiently and quick thinking in combat too.

Extra story : On the way out of elektro my mate again gets shot out of my vision. I sit behind a tree scanning and spot a player running towards me with an AS50 TWS. I place an AS50 round squarely in his chest and my mate runs back to loot his body which was fully kitted.

Edited by svefngenglar
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Nice formatting and probably an interesting story. But a bit of a wall of text.

I hope this doesn't sound sarcastic because it is a legitimate question but how could a story not be text? :P

I can't fraps because my computer is 5 years old and barely runs the game, sadly. Otherwise I'd have a least a couple of hours of action highlights on youtube :(.

EDIT: Added a TLDR for you. You're welcome <3.

Edited by svefngenglar

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Interesting story. Doesn't happen everyday... wait it might with all the hackers.

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Interesting story. Doesn't happen everyday... wait it might with all the hackers.

The hacking is so out of control now. In the last two weeks I've found hacker crates on two servers, been victim of a server wipe and a few other suspect encounters. I have a friend who excels at finding intel on camp sites though so it's mostly just annoying dying to hackers. The gear loss isn't a big deal for us though.

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