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Fully Loaded On Day 1

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On day one and already almost fully loaded. All I need is a Gillie suit, Range Finders, and a Coyote Pack. Look at the screen shots. Not much else can be said...



Edited by RIGHTLY

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I got fully geared up in 30 minutes by going to Dobrry in Electro.

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Well, you could always do it in 10 mins by spawning in electro or cherno and going to either fire stations or sniper hills.

There ya go, the secrets out rofl.

Step 1

Loot duper/hacker

Step 2

Kill zombies and bandits for 2 minutes

Step 3

Hacker drops you

rinse repeat

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it is no fun when you get your gears from dead bodeies. You can only feel the excitment from finding them legitly, especially whwn you have nothing on you

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Blagh the screen shots are messing up. Hold on one minute.

EDIT: There you go.

Edited by RIGHTLY

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and all my shit is gone... FUCKING DEBUG PLANES.

Ya coulda saved that, ya know.

Don't log off when you spawn in debug.

Launch another instance of the game (if using DayZ Commander or Six Launcher, just log onto another server).


Once you login sucessfully on the second instance (probably on the coast, but with your loadout intact), close the first login.


And yes, I lost full gear twice to that damned bug before I found out how to get past it.

No credit to me, I read this trick here.

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