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Banned from dallas 303

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Well, i was on US264 Dallas 1 with a friend and we both got killed, I managed to get back and kill the bandit and got his stuff which included a gold revolver(something like that) after some time me and my friends decided to go to dallas 303(we've played on that server a lot) and in less than 10 seconds i got banned because of that golden revolver. What can I do?

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Some servers run custom logs that will detect folks with hacked in guns trying to join into the game. After you join in the logs look at you inventory and position and what not. If an admin is paying attention to said logs, or they have a custom script, poof your banned. They are not supposed to do it, but we pay for our servers, and we all hate hackers, so just make sure you don't use non-day z guns.

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