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This game live up to the hype?

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So i have played Arma2:OA on line many times but can't find my case with it in any where!! but i loved arma and how it was massive and you could play for hours on end on the same server!

So how dose this mod live up? can you play this for hours on end too? is it worth me going out ad buying arma again for this mod?

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Its a good time sink, it's fun with friends who enjoy hunting players.

But if you enjoyed the original arma2ao online then you'll love this.

Free-for-all zombie infested island battling to survive or murder, whats not to like? Assuming you can block out the engine/gameplay issues

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Thanks for the replys guys!! ill be buying Arma2:CO tonight :)

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As I've told my friends.

It's a bitch to setup and get into but the immersion can be some great fun.

But expect a lot of violent gamers non the less.

Most got a shoot on sight rule so good to have buddies and make it a long term goal to meet up.

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Well. I think this mod is amazing (:

My brother and I started with that and after a few days we found our clan, the TBB. It's really awesome to play with that guys and the whole game makes even more fun together. Totally worth it. (:

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