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Game just won't install correctly.

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SO I played Dayz alot this summer, but ran out of space on my hard drive. I moved my steam folder to a new harddrive... well that really messed things up. Deleted everything installed amra2/oa and dayz.... it would not update correctly. Stopped used Six thing went to dayzcommander, I update, game gives me an error. Delete, reinstall. Now I have the game where it will run, but Dayzcommander says its the newest verson 1.629848 whatever the numbers are. But ingame It is still 1.62 so i can not join any servers..... also i can not update arma2 to the beta patch, it downloads then when i unpack it, it goes to 100% in about 3 seconds and sits there and does nothing, never updating to "up to date" I downloaded the torrent... replaced all the files ... still 1.62 not the newest version. I installed this game 2 months ago and it was not hard what so ever, why can't we just get a .exe file to set this game up instead of using 3rd party installers that don't seem to work correctly.

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