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Items being spawned

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Server: US 340

Time: 4:30pm CST

I found a box full of weapons, ammo, tools, etc. Pretty much every item in Arma from what I could tell, most of it isn't in DayZ as far as I know. It was just north of the Airbase. Screenshots here:


(Yes, I grabbed some stuff in my initial shock. Perfectly willing to have my char reset, or suicide, heh. I'm not playing again until this gets sorted anyway)

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It's a scripted in haxzor box. Admins are not "allowed" to kick/ban you for hacked in weapons, but they still might so be careful where you go with any non Dayz guns. As far as global bans go you will be fine. If you are new to the mod, you really should start fresh, otherwise you have just ruined the best part of the game. I have been playing for a few months and just found my first satchel charge! :D There is nothing like it, now for the night vision and range finder!

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