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Looking for a team Making DayZ Fun Again!

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For all the Players out there bored of getting killed everytime you say friendly and you want to team up with a lot of people to have fun in the game!! Ask me i am starting a new player team ITS FOR EVERYONE

I don't care if you have no weapons join us!!!

Add- Skype- Idkwhatyouknow

on skype!!!

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Eh, play private hive servers. I met a bandit skin guy who didn't speak english. He was bleeding so I started bandaging him. He then didn't shoot me with his Lee Enfield. He returned the favor with a blood bag and I found him a Van to use while I made my way back to my UAZ. Good times.

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Oh, you can bandage other players in game? I know about blood transfusions but didn't know anything about bandaging. Do you just get close to a player and bandage him with a menu selection?

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Hi. You posted this in the New Player Discussion which is a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!

Are you looking for others to team up with? Want to announce clan? Read this!

Read this before starting a new topic!

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