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Losing 10 blood per second! HELP!

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I'm losing 10 blood a second and I won't stop! I have applied six bandages and received a blood transfusion. This has been going on for about 10 or so. What is happening, and how do I stop it?

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Eat, drink and maybe get some aids(antibiotics).

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If you have the deBug monitor up, it will glitch out all your status symbols to green. You most likely need to Eat and/or Drink. Happened to me the day the patch came out, thought i was sick until i noticed it was 10 BPS not 3. Try to set your DayZ UI to default and only pull up the debug monitor to check your blood or the zombie count on the server.

Go to Options, Game Options, DayZ UI.

Edited by SpecOpsScott

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You can get sick in the game? Since when?

When you're too cold (thermometer icon is blinking) or you are hit by a zombie when bleeding.

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You're not infected, that's like 3.5 blood per second, If you have the debug monitor enabled your food, drink, temperature, and blood will not show normally - they'll be locked at "normal" status - even if you're hungry, or thirsty. get food n' drank,

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