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looking for MATURE / TACTICAL GROUP to take players out with,

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I've had pretty poor luck when it comes to finding people to play this game with. I've made a few topics on here, and one of the following has happened each and every time.

1. They turn to hacking / rely on hacked servers to obtain high end weaponry.... but aren't good players so still end up dying regardless of what they're sporting. Go back to server, get hacked gear, die again. Repeat forever.

2. Recruit me, act serious, but I come to find out its 2-3 guys that are extremely uncoordinated/and/or very young. Usually ends up resorting to #1

3. Don't even play DayZ and ask me to play ArmA2 Scenarios all the time.

4. Aren't experienced in any way/shape/form and I end up coaching them. Usually resorts to #1.

What I'm really looking for is a well-established group, even as little as two guys, that take the game seriously, but also aren't TOO serious (you know the type: scream when you do something wrong, ect.), and have a sense of humor. Essentially I'm looking to be very tactical, pretty cautious (as I have earned myself decent gear) and to basically have fun at the same time.

I find enjoyment out of hunting down players, unless they're not a direct threat, or barely armed.

Any other questions, please feel free to contact me VIA:

Skype: pauijay

Steam: xxxdmdxxx

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i would love to team up but i cant :(

im new to this game i have 1 other player we could team with but ya srry my skype is: robo471999

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Hey I almost fit what you ask....think I got it all cept i am not a small group...I am just me :)

If you are interested steam name is same as here...Yawapeek

I Never hack never will....

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He is correct. Griefers and bandits share the other side.

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Note to self, if PauiJay is seen, KOS, playerkiller.

Got it.

good thing thats not my in-game name :D

also, where does it say you can't talk about shooting people in this area of the forum?. .... haha.

i don't have a bandit skin.

honestly if you dont shoot most people that pose a direct threat, you probably die alot B)

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Wrong forum buddy, your a bandit, this is survivors!

not a bandit. just kill most people because if you've played this game for more than 4 seconds you'd know its either them or you

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I Will Join. Add Me On Skype 'elijah.ching' I Am Mature, And Good. I Will Help! I CAN BE A IN BANDIT SQUAD TOO!

Edited by Aliikekoa

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Most of us play later in the night (pst time zones)

but, we'd be happy to have you. people who enjoy tactical gameplay is what im looking for.

add me on steam if your interested - Motoeagle

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You fit the bill for our group. We have our own servers, but still get riff raft in them. We Are TH DAYZ: REAL SURVIVORS.

We are more into the immersion and survival aspect. Not the hunting, but as the leader, i would like to have a hunt leader to go on well hunts for players if we put a hit on one of them. If you're interested add me on Skype: ThMoxy

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