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Server side obstacles

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I was really excited to get back into the game with once I heard that some things had been changed. I really enjoy moving around the map without the interference of graphical artifacts. My other worry has apparently not been addressed unfortunately. I would like to suggest that tents, wire fencing, sandbags, and hedgehogs be permanently removable by some player action. As you might imagine after the duping fest over the last few weeks many servers are littered with illegally duplicated tents, wire fencing, sand bags, and hedgehogs. After returning to the server I frequent my first mission in game was to make my way around the map and destroy all the known locations where these exploits have been practiced recently. I manually removed enough hedgehogs and sandbags to get at the tents and wire fencing with my motorcycle. I flattened every tent I came across and to my dismay upon logging back in today they are back after server restart.

So today my friends and I will attempt the second test of and manually remove illegally duped items from tents and dispose of them in game and save the empty tents. I presently have no solution for removing wire fencing, sandbags, or hedgehogs permanently. I would like to suggest that these server side obstacles be made removable by player action with appropriate tools. As I understand it they will magically disappear after a period of time through no action whatsoever. This inconsistency does not invite me to attempt a player built base, knowing that it would disappear after a week or so of its own accord.

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