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S1ippery Jim

What is your Personal Best for Longest Days Survived?

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I know the average life expectancy is about 31 mins at the moment, but I want to hear from you folks who are survival pros.

What is your personal best in terms of in game days survived? (as in the Day No. when you log in)

Also, what tactics or gameplay do you use that has enabled you to survive the longest?

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4 days, which is pretty sad since I am actually a pretty good survivalist when I'm not getting screwed over by glitches and my friendliness on side chat.

I've died 9 times. 3 times to players, 2 of which were caused by me talking on sidechat. 1 time to zombies. The other 5 times were glitch/BS related.

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100 hours into the game and the longest ive survived is 3 days

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23 days.

My strategy was to be busy with real life so that I rarely logged in. I died to a bug that caused me to desync out of a vehicle while riding as a passenger when the vehicle was moving through a town. I was killed by the zombies before the desync ended.

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7 days and counting on this character. I used to be a guy who wanted to be friendly to everyone and help them, but I've been killed too much by this playstyle and have now adopted a 'leaving everyone alone' tactic, if you shoot at me, I'll shoot right back. But if you keep to yourself, I'll act as if you don't exist (unless you have your gun pointed at me for an extended period of time).

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My longest is my current character, 12 days and counting! Although every day that passes I feel a little closer to 'my number being up' and the longer I'm alive the more paranoid I get.

If I had advice it would be to keep moving and stick to the woods / country-side. Avoid the coast and the hot spot areas and don't be greedy. Keep a high situational awareness at all times, never stray far from cover/concealment, run in zig zags if you're out in the open and go the opposite direction of gun fire or other players you spot.

Never shoot zombies unless you have no choice and if you must, try to do it inside a building or draw them up into the woods away from town to prevent attracting more. Once your shots are fired it's probably best to exfiltrate as quickly as possible because there's a chance your shooting has attracted bandit attention.

Lastly, finding a hatchet and matches should be a high priority. Cooked meat is invaluable if you get injured and don't have a buddy and/or a blood bag.

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I believe 8 days or so. I proned beside a tree and broke all my bones and passed out. Died to blood loss shortly after. I didn't really care though, it was almost a relief. I was getting way too attatched to my gear.

My tactic was and always has been to avoid everyone and loot quickly and safely. I'll very rarely go into a city/town solo, hitting the outer buildings and just tree stand looting is good enough for me.

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  'FieldMedic said:

My longest is my current character' date=' 12 days and counting! Although every day that passes I feel a little closer to 'my number being up' and the longer I'm alive the more paranoid I get.

If I had advice it would be to keep moving and stick to the woods / country-side. Avoid the coast and the hot spot areas and don't be greedy. Keep a high situational awareness at all times, never stray far from cover/concealment, run in zig zags if you're out in the open and go the opposite direction of gun fire or other players you spot.

Never shoot zombies unless you have no choice and if you must, try to do it inside a building or draw them up into the woods away from town to prevent attracting more. Once your shots are fired it's probably best to exfiltrate as quickly as possible because there's a chance your shooting has attracted bandit attention.

Lastly, finding a hatchet and matches should be a high priority. Cooked meat is invaluable if you get injured and don't have a buddy and/or a blood bag.


Yeah I'm personally on 13 days at the moment, trying to get to the mythical 28 DayZ mark :)

I mainly hang out mid map around the smaller towns and deer stands but sometimes I get bored and visit the hot spots for a thrill eg NW airfield or go climb the Sniper infested clock tower in Cherno in Day time. Now that vehicles are back in the game I guess my next quest is to find and repair something. Maybe find a bicycle...

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20 days going back a few weeks, now my character is alive 13 days but havent played in a week "busy busy".

My strategy: Check out places for 5/10 mins before moving in, know what your looking for/loot quick and keep on the move, get in and out fast and use cover all the time........ My best tactic is "pray"





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9 days, then I was sniped while getting a blood transfusion in Butt Fuck Egypt.

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10 days I think. But none of this "not logging in for days" crap. That was 10 days at about 6 hours a day. Then I logged in and a bug had eaten my whole bag, headed to the closest settlement (Cherno fml) for food, water and hopefully a bag. We got ambushed by bandits, I got sniped. It was awesome.

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5 DayZ days atm. Have died 5- 7 times before and only once from a player. The rest was lack of food/water/injuries and glitches.

Almost lost it crawling away solo from the NW airfield. Was extremely low on blood and was passing out at an increasing rate and couldn't even stand, the timer appearing more and more often: crawling would only get me a few yards. Sorry state. No food in the bag. Had matches/wood but no alas no meat. Vision was all grey. Please game give me an animal -I'm about to croak.

Dear gawd i thought it was allover - this was it, and I was contemplating respawning. Get it over with.

Come round eventually whoa! - there's this big phat cow right in front of me. Bang!

8 steaks later and I was back on the road.

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  'S1ippery Jim said:

Yeah I'm personally on 13 days at the moment' date=' trying to get to the mythical 28 DayZ mark :)

I mainly hang out mid map around the smaller towns and deer stands but sometimes I get bored and visit the hot spots for a thrill eg NW airfield or go climb the Sniper infested clock tower in Cherno in Day time. Now that vehicles are back in the game I guess my next quest is to find and repair something. Maybe find a bicycle...


Yeah definitely need to spice things up with some riskier missions to keep it interesting. I've made a few raids on hospitals for medical supplies and I tried my hand at exploring the NE airfield at dusk and narrowly avoided getting killed by a sniper. He shot at me 3-4 times but I managed to avoid getting hit.

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Few days, 40+ murders/bandit kills.

Loot is easily replaced if you know all the good spots, i mostly stick to cherno/elektra blapping anyone who's silly enough to pop shots off.

Thrill of the hunt > surviving.

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14 days, about 3 hours a day. Got bored and ran through cherno with a flare cuz i wanted to start over.

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Yeah definitely need to spice things up with some riskier missions to keep it interesting. I've made a few raids on hospitals for medical supplies and I tried my hand at exploring the NE airfield at dusk and narrowly avoided getting killed by a sniper. He shot at me 3-4 times but I managed to avoid getting hit.

I was at the NE airfield not long ago at night and some guy was trying to snipe me from 830 M away while I was crossing between the two hangars. He was up on the hill to the east. He shot at me about 5 times but obviously didn't account for bullet drop because his bullets were hitting the ground way out in front of me.

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8 days and it all got swallowed by the camo glitch making me spawn in the ocean, I was happy to have the company of others at the end.

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6 days on my current character. I have an AK Kobra, a silenced M4, a Coyote pack. Needless to say i'm paranoid as hell right now.

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Its been a few dayz since I've logged in, but it should be around 30.

DMR, Coyote pack, GPS, and a silenced m9.

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I once went 5 days. Then fell off a rooftop in Cherno.

Suffice to say, I cried.

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I believe it was 10days and it was also my gayest death... was going great even was teamed up then... I ventured into Devils Castle (yes i know) I had scoped it out for a good 15-20minutes no movement.. had been 0 chat all day and no noise... was wanting a tent so thought be worth checking... I sneak past the Z spawns.. sneak up the stairs... I barely enter the dam doorway and BOOOM shotgun blast from some guy who had no shit been sitting there waiting for hours for someone to walk through the door... I couldn't believe it.. Im all about bandits but I was dumbfounded some Ahole had seriously spent that much time just waiting and hoping someone walked in the door... then I had to laugh as he started bragging about it in chat... :) kudos to him but ill be dammed sitting in a room staring at a doorway for enternity is not my type of fun :)

I have no idea how many deaths Ive had... at least a dozen.. maybe two... some my fault ala hitting the dam respawn button :( others not my fault i.e. falling off things... logging in to ocean... logging out up north to log in on beach to be shot instantly.. who knows.. lots of random deaths.. Ive had Zs warp through walls to 1 hit me and kill me from full health... Hell I got stuck spawning into the Debug forest... eventually tried to even suicide/respawn and it spawned me back at the Debug forest so I just started running and found my way back to the map... Debug forest is on the western part of map about 5min run north of farthest west spawn on beach. Ive been shot in the face/back after helping people/fending off hordes and spawns at least 5 times... Ive been killed twice now after emptying a full magazine into someone to only have them turn around and 1 shot me...

I still recall the one guy watching him stalk me.. follow me to the barn... I entered it then sprinted out the other side to flank him... I sneak back around to see him enter the barn after me.. I come up behind him take aim and from 15meters shoot him in the face... not once but a entire magazine... even see the blood from his face.. nothing he turns casually and 1 shots me. So is life in aLpha Dayz

Currently Ive been alive 3 weeks? Only played about half of that though dunno what day its on... Im happy and have every item i could ever need and fully supplied and just exploring the map and the wild and living off the land and occasionally investigating a murder or bandit activity from the safety of my DMR(well currently 50cal)... Im sure itll not last long.. im getting bored and careless... ive stopped caring about spring across open fields.. im getting restless.. Ill soon get taken out.

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