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EU #404 Hacker

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I was in that server like 5min ago, and was checking Elektro. There was 3 players with me [HD] Sky, [HD] Land, and patzi.

I was moving using extremely careful tactics, moving next of wall and giving myself a nice coverage around me, while I saw a guy popping out from nowhere just next of me, maybe 5m-10m and started aiming and shooting before I could react well. He was having kevlar helmet with army suit, NV goggles, and SAW.

I shot once towards him and after getting hits I sprayed my last 4 shots in to air with my DMR. Wasnt sure did I hit, and I died. Of course he might have been in god mode or something.

So, AGAIN maybe 3-4 days work gone with a wind.. Im really really getting annoyed of these kids playing around with cheats. Im already feeling that im more than allowed to use somekind of cheat just to get back my stuff that Ive lost like friggin 10 times to these motherloving dipshits! Just and only the gear that I lost.. I dont need anything else, since I like the way I was equipped. NV's, DMR with 1911 on side, Chillie suit, and just enough surviving stuff like blood and drinks + food.

I just hate the fact that im taking really good care about tactics, movement, awareness, and everything, and then after all this happens.

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A chillie suit. :D

Yea, chilling with it in bushes. :)

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