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I think I just won DayZ

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Before making assumptions, it might be good to know that I destroy pretty much every vehicle I come across and said heli was stolen and was merely being used to look around the place. If I wanted to hide a vehicle, it wouldn't be in a place that required an hour of running.

I'm just going to point out you didn't deny flying it off map, just pointed out that you were "looking around the place", well it's not hard to stay inside the map to do that. Also, what's the point of destroying every vehicle you come across? If it's one large spot in which they're being hoarded, fair enough but just finding someones hard earned GAZ and blowing it up isn't exactly a good thing to do, fair enough for banditry but otherwise still not a good thing.

For your point about an hour of running... fair enough.

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You can't technically win Day Z...

Me and a pal have got like 4 trucks and a motorcycle, AS50's, Coyotes, Satchels, L85's, Ghillies, etc. and we can still find fun stuff to do...

Like blow up a bus in Stary that someone was trying to get away with....

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I'm just going to point out you didn't deny flying it off map, just pointed out that you were "looking around the place", well it's not hard to stay inside the map to do that. Also, what's the point of destroying every vehicle you come across? If it's one large spot in which they're being hoarded, fair enough but just finding someones hard earned GAZ and blowing it up isn't exactly a good thing to do, fair enough for banditry but otherwise still not a good thing.

For your point about an hour of running... fair enough.

My intention was looking for camps over the edge. I have no intention of denying that, as long as things don't get hoarded there I don't see a problem with that.

As for destroying every vehicle, it's a slight exaggeration but lately it does hold truth considering every tent/vehicle I find contains a TWS. It depends what vehicle it is (heli on my home server is an insta-destroy no matter who has it because finding camps becomes ridiculously easy with it) and it depends on the contents. If some random guy has a vehicle next to his tent with some basic stuff, I'll leave it untouched. Camps/vehicles with thermals, .50 cals, ghillies and similar will get instantly destroyed too because the less of those there are on the server, the better.

Destroying vehicles is essentially like hiding bodies for me, if the contents are high-end spotting/sniping related I'll get rid of it.

Edited by s4pphire

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I feel exactly how you feel. I have a tent city with a group of 20 and we just sit around really..We camp electro like assholes now it's how bored we are.

maybe you guys should stop alt+f4 in a firefight, then you would have something to do again.

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maybe you guys should stop alt+f4 in a firefight, then you would have something to do again.

Where do I say anywhere I alt f4. :/

we have died thousands of times and never disconnected not even after death, we keep playing on our server. Even if we die we just walk back to base.

Edit: We play on private hives so alt f4ing ain't gonna do anything. Maybe let you survive? But whats the point :/ I sniped the server owner once and he restarted the whole server. I walked up to a kid last night and told him to drop his hatchet and he alt f4'd. I'm still confused where you say I alt f4 and why that makes us bored even if we did.

Edited by Ashnik

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As long as no one can go off map, I'm pretty damn happy with that. I don't mind you destroying camps big or small, I in fact find it pointless differentiating... Just steal from them all.

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A few days ago my son and I found a car hidden in the forest.

Dayz, bringing fathers and sons together since April 2012. Good luck and safe travels guys. Go find a heli and raise hell.

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Car found! Oh well I was on my way to meet up with Dad at Berezino and found a Silenced + Acog M4A1 (I think it's that one). Plus 5x Blood Bags, Morphine and Epi Pen! Keep on surviving...

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