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Sniper overdose?

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So I mainly created a forum account to ask snipers this and the opinions of others.

Whenever I play if I died, and spawn with literally nothing sometimes even get rid of my backpack why do random snipers decide to pick you off even though your a waste of ammo? It's happened to me so many times were all I have is nothing or maybe one can of beans and I get picked off by a lone sniper for some reason, I'd like to know the fun of it since there really is no acomplishment besides you killing a guy that has no resistance.

Now, don't get me wrong on this topic. I'm not raging about the overdose of snipers in the game sitting in every mountain, bush, tree, roof waiting to pick off people infact. I love sniping! And I am a pretty decent sniper as well (good enough to zero-in the right area without rangefinder or scroll mouse) But I never saw the fun of killing innocent people that have no resistance for no reason. Now, not only is it not a waste of your ammo (I know sniper ammo can be rare unless you got a hacker buddy ;) ) but also, refferring to more of a hunting style, there is no actually good game. It's all low game since they cant have any resistance but maybe somehow throwing there Hatchet at you two miles away. For me, if I want to kill someone, I rather hit someone with a lot of goods or if they hit me.

But now, this is just me that's why I am asking you guys why you do it. As for me, I'd like to atleast see some more in-street combat not sniper evasion ( trust me I've delt with that stuff A LOT) Not only does it sound cooler, but it also puts suspension not only on you and them of getting the risk of being eaten by zombies coming at you because of the sound, But the bullets whizzing over your head trying to kill the other guy on the ground, also it gives suspension for nearby players who may want to join in, or are trying to evade and not be killed.

I also play as a scavanger a lot, meaning I just go get food and meat and try to trade it (doesn't work well because snipers pick me off even though I have no guns or anything but food) I would find it cool to see people trading or doing deals or something in the towns and not having to stick in the forests or worry about a lone sniper ready to pick off everyone in sight.

Also, why not play as a bandit on ground? It can actually be fun, buy a microphone and get a gun. Instead of killing try to realize how people would act in real life situations A.) Your not a gong-ho badass that is ready to kill on sight In real life you wouldn't want to kill unless neccessary it's because you'd have to live with the fact you taken someones life and they never can come back. And B.) It's funny to rob people and leave them running off with nothing.

BUT Anyways, lets hear peoples opinions about my suggestions and what the snipers have to say! Thanks!

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Same reason saving a hero being eaten by zombies tries to shoot you... scared, unsure, or sometimes just being a dick. Granton, I'm talking to you, you asshole, saved you and you repay me with m1911 bullets to the face.

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This also reminds me, I was sniping another sniper earlier (counter-sniping) And amazingly as I shot him about 800 M out he got wounded and logged right away it was so funny but so irritating as well.

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Ive never done it, but.

1. Funny

2. Feel powerful

3. Bored

4. Game, its like shooting deer.

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Ive never done it, but.

1. Funny

2. Feel powerful

3. Bored

4. Game, its like shooting deer.

Thing is, when your hunting you rather get big game and not small game, technically if were reffering to sniping humans like deers or hunting A person with little to no gear = Small game and not worth it A person with big gear and heavy duty = Big game more points lol

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I've done the, "Hey, lets murder newbies off the coast!" usually for fun, but there is a legitamate reason for it as well. We were sniping/spotting people in Elektro on the Hospital roof one day, and a guy hears us and starts talking to us over Direct Channel. We warned him that if he came up there we were going to shoot him, even though he said he was friendly and unarmed, and when he reached the roof it was apparent he had no primary weapon and the patrol pack wasn't enough to hide a primary. We killed him anyways, and found that he had a pistol with enough ammo to take us out.

It's not the fact that they're not threatening, it's the notion that they have the potential to be your death, so that's when the kill or be killed mindset kicks in. Mind you we haven't done things like that in several weeks now, too busy chasing after vehicle spawns. But there's always the chance that they can come back and kick you in the ass as soon as you let your guard down.

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Thing is, when your hunting you rather get big game and not small game, technically if were reffering to sniping humans like deers or hunting A person with little to no gear = Small game and not worth it A person with big gear and heavy duty = Big game more points lol

small = 5 points

big = 50

need all da points

all must die

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I've done the, "Hey, lets murder newbies off the coast!" usually for fun, but there is a legitamate reason for it as well. We were sniping/spotting people in Elektro on the Hospital roof one day, and a guy hears us and starts talking to us over Direct Channel. We warned him that if he came up there we were going to shoot him, even though he said he was friendly and unarmed, and when he reached the roof it was apparent he had no primary weapon and the patrol pack wasn't enough to hide a primary. We killed him anyways, and found that he had a pistol with enough ammo to take us out.

It's not the fact that they're not threatening, it's the notion that they have the potential to be your death, so that's when the kill or be killed mindset kicks in. Mind you we haven't done things like that in several weeks now, too busy chasing after vehicle spawns. But there's always the chance that they can come back and kick you in the ass as soon as you let your guard down.

I can understand that lol, I mean even if you don't have a backpack on you tho o-o like just now I'm playing atm. No backpack or anything and I get lit up by a SVD or something silenced lol

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This also makes me remember one thing, Don't complain about so many snipers being spawned because really SNIPERS ARE RARE AS HELL! I can never find one unless I am lucky as well as ammo, the thing is. Is that there is going to be some script kiddy or a hacking buddy that will come in and give you max ammo and the best sniper so that's why theres so many.

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I have on occasion engaged in some of this activity. Mostly I have become bored running around looking for vehicles/repairing them and having them disappear on the next server reset. So at times I resort to sniping the unwary in Elektro and or Cherno. I suppose I could take more time and identify whether or not those people are actually armed or not but usually they are too far away for me to actually figure it out. (Sniping with a AS-50 from quite some distance.) I actually do feel bad for some of them, but there is an entertainment value to it. We have also all had the same thing happen to us at some point I am sure. A little payback in game never hurt anyone. My guiltiest of pleasures has to be sniping a guy with a full load-out and then waiting the 45 minutes it took him to return to his corpse and hitting him again. Horrible I know, but... such is DayZ

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People camp and kill unarmed costal spawns because this MOD is broken, and theres nothing else to do except to PvP // PK in Elektro or Cherno.

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This also makes me remember one thing, Don't complain about so many snipers being spawned because really SNIPERS ARE RARE AS HELL! I can never find one unless I am lucky as well as ammo, the thing is. Is that there is going to be some script kiddy or a hacking buddy that will come in and give you max ammo and the best sniper so that's why theres so many.

i realize youre new here

snipers are common because of duping

not hackers, not scripters, not zoidberg

the 23235 ways of duping made it this way.

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I have on occasion engaged in some of this activity. Mostly I have become bored running around looking for vehicles/repairing them and having them disappear on the next server reset. So at times I resort to sniping the unwary in Elektro and or Cherno. I suppose I could take more time and identify whether or not those people are actually armed or not but usually they are too far away for me to actually figure it out. (Sniping with a AS-50 from quite some distance.) I actually do feel bad for some of them, but there is an entertainment value to it. We have also all had the same thing happen to us at some point I am sure. A little payback in game never hurt anyone. My guiltiest of pleasures has to be sniping a guy with a full load-out and then waiting the 45 minutes it took him to return to his corpse and hitting him again. Horrible I know, but... such is DayZ

Lol it does sound entertaining, but the thing is I have too much of a big heart. If I see a guy I don't wanna kill him I say friendly and everything only time I kill is if they shoot at me I just cant kill anyone innocent im too nice I guess :)

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Thing is...

I dont understand why certain people get sniped so much when others can avoid it so easily. Avoiding being sniped is so easy that it baffles me. Ive sniped people many times and each time it was a shit they could have avoided.

Dont stop in open areas. Dont stop in doorways. Run from cover to cover. Dont draw agro to yourself with zombies. Dont draw attention to yourself by shooting freely. Zig zag when moving through open areas. Think about where snipers would sit to get shots, and plan your route accordingly.

If people actually think tactically there would be less sniper kills and less whining.

And for the love of god, its a video game! I dont care if you die in a video game!

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i realize youre new here

snipers are common because of duping

not hackers, not scripters, not zoidberg

the 23235 ways of duping made it this way.

I forgot to add duping and server hop for them too but I've seen plenty of people and even know some hackers that will get in game for someone to give them guns. Not only that but hackers will spawn those weapon crates and give everyone everything, but I do know people dupe a lot.

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Lol it does sound entertaining, but the thing is I have too much of a big heart. If I see a guy I don't wanna kill him I say friendly and everything only time I kill is if they shoot at me I just cant kill anyone innocent im too nice I guess :)

I was like that for a while. Guess I got a little cynical after killed burned too many times... Thing is, there are not a whole lot of REAL consequences for being a bandit. But there are a heck of a lot of rewards. Also, I can't tell you the last game I played that actually got my heart racing when I went to take a shot. I am literally worn out after a night of sniping. It really gets the adrenaline going. ;-)

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