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Terror (DayZ)

Black screen receiving

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I just downloaded Dayz and its for a steam copy of CO. I am able to play fine for about 5-10 mins but then my game goes to a black screen that just says receiving. It never comes out of the screen no matter how long i wait and the only thing i can do is ctrl alt delete to exit. I have tried reinstalling the dayz files multiple times but it keeps happening.

Does no1 know anything about this? i would really like to be able to play.

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its know arma 2 bug, but idk how to fix.

last lines of arma2oa.rpt after problem

Cannot create video memory surface DXT1,1024x1024 (size 699048 B), Error 8876017c

Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)

Virtual memory free 2845 MB (2983698432 B)

Physical memory free 2319 MB (2431881216 B)

Page file free 9 MB (10285056 B)

Process working set 886 MB (929501184 B)

Process page file used 910 MB (954552320 B)

Longest free VM region: 1721827328 B

VM busy 1328349184 B (reserved 284459008 B, committed 1043890176 B, mapped 53760000 B), free 2966487040 B

Small mapped regions: 10, size 40960 B

VID: alloc 566977984, limit 2147483647, free: local 0, nonlocal 0, DX9 760217600, virt. 2983698432

Error: Failed to create surface texture (ca\weapons\ammoboxes\data\rubasic_wood_co.paa:0)

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I have this kind of a problem, but my PC just crashes completely and "monitor goes to sleep" and I have to force shut down my PC. I think it might be for the same reason. Unfortunately I have been trying to fix this problem for 4 WEEKS! And I am out of ideas!

BTW: Try the game with the lowest graphics and tell if it delays this problem. Because I can sometimes play long time with lowest graphics but really its stupid because I have high end PC I don't have FPS problems with very high options. This problem is just so frustrating and I have tried almost everything.

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Have you guys tried different servers? By different, I mean from around the world? Try servers from different countries and time zones and see how that treats you. That sounds like a connectivity issue between you and the remote host.

Also check your firewall / antivirus - make sure that the exe's and file for this game are not restricted in any sense or form. Maybe even temporarily disable them to see if that is the issue.

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I have the same problem, but I don't have the "receiving black screen". My notebook just crashes on a blue screen and restarts.

My last lines of arma2oa.rpt are:


"PLOGIN: Initating"

"PLOGIN: Player Model Exists"

"PLOGIN: Player Ready"

"PLOGIN: Requesting Authentication... (20935110)"


"PLOGIN: authenticated with : ["7301581",[["ItemFlashlight"],["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","100Rnd_762x51_M240"]],["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]],[665,668,668],false,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,false]"

"Attempting to switch model"



"Swichtable Unit Created. Equipment:"





"Attempting Phase two..."


"player20935110 = player"

"BUILDING: Land_Ind_Workshop01_01 / false / false"

"BUILDING: Land_Ind_Workshop01_01 / false / false"

"LOOTSPAWN: _iArray["ItemCompass","generic"]"

"LOOTSPAWN: _iArray["WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet","object"]"

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bump would like to know how to fix this..

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bump again because I'm still having the problem

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Just happened to me as well. I was crawling over the road, past some Z's, and I got the black screen. Somehow the Z's saw me and I died and lost all my gear :rolleyes: I had to ctrl/alt/del to exit game.

Edited by RoadWarrior

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Getting this too (Black receiving in middle of game) I have now done a complete reinstall and manually deleted all files inc stuff in my docs..

...No joy continues no matter what video options I use making the game unplayable for me as can never tell exactly when its going to happen.

Update and fix would make me a happy survivor.

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