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Day Z's Funniest Moments

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Greetings Day Z Community

I am happy to announce the start up of Day Z's Funniest Moments series. Each episode I hope to include up to 8 clips or more, up to a minute each of some of the most hilarious, entertaining clips of Day Z activity. At the start of each clip, I will have an indicator of which youtube user the video clip belongs to. This series is for non-montized purposes and soley for the purpose of collecting and bringing together some of the most hilarious and entertaing clips on youtube. If you would like to have a chance to be included in this series, please send your video submissions below or to me via PM. By the way, the more can of beans you get for your submission, the more likely I will include your video. I will NOT include video submissions from hackers. Even if what they did may be hilarious, the way in which they obtained the comical situation was not natural.

Day Z's Funniest Momments: Episode 1: To be announced

Spotlights are in order of who's clip will be shown first.

Spotlight #1:

(Please go to 5:00 to 6:02, that is the submission clip)

A special thanks to him for inspiring me to develope this series

Spotlight #2:

Spotlight #3:

Spotlight #4:

Spotlight #5:

Spotlight #6:

Spotlight #7:

Spotlight #8:

Edited by Forgewolf

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Do we win anything?

I didn't even think of that, but what could I possibly reward 8 or more people with, other than reconginition and possibly more viewers and subscribers to their channel? Edited by Forgewolf

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First video was horrid.

I understand the video is slightly dull in the begining. The comical portion can be found from 5:00 to 6:02 is what I took.

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