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Why hackers suck!

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Me and my 5 man team decided to move our base, we filled our pickup truck with top notch guns and goodies. After driving for 1 minute a hacker teleported to us and to our surprise and headshotted up with a as50. Why did he need to do this? Who gains from his/her actions... nobody, the hacker increases their chance at a ban and my team lose our items we worked our butt's off for. Anybody else had an encounter with a hacker?

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He gains, because for the 10-20 seconds of you guys being upset and mentioning him is more attention than he's gotten in real life from other people in a week.

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All the the time mate. bohemia need to use a new anti cheat system such as punkbuster. battleye is aload of S**T

lol punkbuster. clue please!

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I recon the reason the dupe glitches have not been patched is to make up for all the s**t going down. Also hackers and dupes are probably at the bottom of their todo list. Hopefully the stand alone game will be better.

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Well. in my opinion, hackers make the game interesting, for example me and my group where heading up to the NW airfield a couple nights ago and we where gonna quickly pass through stary to see if we could nab some and drink. after we where filled up on consumable goodies we stopped to set up a campfire and cook some meat that one of my team members had in his bag, as we sat around the fire looking around making sure we where not going to be ambushed a hacker in a ghillie suit pops up from the brush not 5 steps away and says "Hey, wanna see a magic trick?!" as soon as he said that we all booked it in 5 different directions, apparently his "magic trick" was to run at us with a hacked in suicide vest in the hopes of killing us. we all died except for one of my teamates who saw the hacker first, We where not mad, actually quite the opposite we laughed our asses off and than headed up to stary again to get our gear before logging off xD.

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I find hackers funny when they just kill you but not when they loot your gear... They get hacked guns but still want to steal my akm?

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As much as people hate them, I'd love to meet a "nice" hacker. I wouldn't mind a bit if he gave me every tool, a M4A3 CCO-SD, and a Coyote...

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