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Hackers on US 2866, GUIDs and Logs

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I am the Co-Admin of US 2866. We had some concern about vehicles not being in their spawn locations right after we patched to Today, we found a camp along the west border with the missing vehicles, these included a Ural, Heli, ATV, 3 bikes, and a motorbike. Also in this camp was a Cardboard Box (Medical) filled with 5 of every gun and 50 of every miscellaneous item in ARMA 2. We filled the Ural up with everything from their camp and began moving our vehicles to our camp (won't specify unless necessary for obvious reasons). I land the heli, run to camp, and notice our V3S is gone (but not our gear) so I run back to heli to take off. I immediately start taking fire from what I assumed (based on RoF and sound) was a mk48 mod 0. I take off and, while bleeding, land somewhere else and disconnect immediately. One of my members who was driving the Ural over 2 klicks away from me begins taking fire from another mk48 mod 0. The player list at this time was made up of 4 of my people (including me) and 2 others.

We suspected teleporting and, having just dealt with a hacker camp, assumed the owners of that camp were out to get us. We shut the server down with due reason of hacking.

Here are my logs, I believe these are sufficient evidence:

The people in question are Homura and Santa.

08.09.2012 21:11:13: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:17 254:5 [650,6614,286] [75,-14,-22]

08.09.2012 21:11:17: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:18 254:5 [649,6615,287] [32,-23,69]

08.09.2012 21:11:23: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:19 254:5 [647,6621,286] [56,-52,20]

08.09.2012 21:11:29: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:20 254:5 [646,6626,286] [55,-57,-7]

08.09.2012 21:11:34: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:21 254:5 [641,6631,287] [54,-36,45]

08.09.2012 21:11:38: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:22 254:5 [643,6633,287] [45,-63,-10]

08.09.2012 21:11:42: Pink Gay ( 57b58af3c4d84477767001b8bcc66458 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 264:119 [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:11:43: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:23 254:5 [642,6640,287] [21,-36,67]

08.09.2012 21:11:47: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 254:24 254:5 [643,6640,287] [43,-48,46]

08.09.2012 21:12:58: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:25 254:5 [623,6611,282] [-75,-22,-12]

08.09.2012 21:12:59: MAF Adam ( 602eac46913eabffc786f6525a63a7d8 - #0 "Wire_cat1" 258:18 [682,6595,285]

08.09.2012 21:13:02: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:26 254:5 [625,6611,283] [73,16,27]

08.09.2012 21:13:06: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:27 254:5 [633,6620,285] [-38,68,15]

08.09.2012 21:13:10: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:28 254:5 [632,6631,286] [-72,12,31]

08.09.2012 21:13:14: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:29 254:5 [633,6632,286] [19,61,47]

08.09.2012 21:13:17: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:30 254:5 [641,6642,287] [67,43,5]

08.09.2012 21:13:21: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:31 254:5 [651,6642,288] [41,-68,0]

08.09.2012 21:13:24: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 254:32 254:5 [649,6644,288] [16,-61,48]

08.09.2012 21:13:40: *Spetsnaz* - Yuri ( 812c7613160ae22350f57f3cf7c8718a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 268:6 [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:13:52: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:33 254:5 [626,6620,284] [-77,-10,-16]

08.09.2012 21:13:59: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:34 254:5 [626,6620,284] [-57,-52,-18]

08.09.2012 21:14:10: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:35 254:5 [627,6619,283] [16,-77,11]

08.09.2012 21:14:21: The Tickler ( d50b51c0698e7c75c2d003aa1ff0faf5 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 270:4 [2,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:214 253:14 [669,6614,287] [5,39,69]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:215 253:14 [669,6614,287] [26,30,69]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:216 253:14 [669,6614,287] [35,20,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:217 253:14 [669,6614,287] [40,4,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:218 253:14 [669,6614,287] [38,-12,69]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:219 253:14 [669,6614,287] [30,-26,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:220 253:14 [669,6614,287] [14,-39,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:36 254:5 [641,6616,286] [-74,-29,0]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:221 253:14 [669,6614,287] [6,-42,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:222 253:14 [669,6614,287] [-8,-41,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:223 253:14 [669,6614,287] [-28,-31,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:224 253:14 [668,6614,287] [-39,-19,66]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:225 253:14 [668,6614,287] [-41,-8,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:226 253:14 [669,6614,287] [-28,32,67]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:227 253:14 [669,6614,287] [-22,34,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:23: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:228 253:14 [669,6614,287] [-12,38,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:24: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:229 253:14 [669,6614,287] [13,37,69]

08.09.2012 21:14:24: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:230 253:14 [669,6614,287] [32,21,69]

08.09.2012 21:14:24: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:231 253:14 [669,6614,287] [41,1,68]

08.09.2012 21:14:49: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:39 254:5 [700,6651,284] [56,-55,-9]

08.09.2012 21:14:55: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:40 254:5 [689,6637,287] [22,-75,12]

08.09.2012 21:15:07: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:41 254:5 [692,6588,287] [-55,-57,0]

08.09.2012 21:15:12: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:42 254:5 [700,6581,287] [-68,-41,1]

08.09.2012 21:16:33: MAF Adam ( 602eac46913eabffc786f6525a63a7d8 - #0 "TentStorage" 258:21 [658,6623,286]

08.09.2012 21:16:56: *Spetsnaz* - Yuri ( 812c7613160ae22350f57f3cf7c8718a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 271:6 [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:20:34: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:46 254:5 [677,6654,286] [73,-30,5]

08.09.2012 21:20:38: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:47 254:5 [677,6654,286] [67,-42,9]

08.09.2012 21:20:43: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 254:48 254:5 [677,6654,286] [77,-15,8]

08.09.2012 21:22:02: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:271 253:14 [672,6658,288] [21,-34,69]

08.09.2012 21:22:36: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 253:272 253:14 [667,6652,286] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:23:15: WYATT ( 98d7dd914648d8e65a8cb4066c70b826 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 276:4 [2,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:23:22: Slevra ( 8e1d940a49c49f69eb0cbcadf22eafc2 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 275:4 [2,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:23:27: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:273 253:14 [649,6679,287] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:23:40: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:274 253:14 [633,6662,288] [-28,-74,-8]

08.09.2012 21:23:40: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:275 253:14 [633,6662,288] [-28,-74,-8]

08.09.2012 21:23:41: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:276 253:14 [633,6662,288] [-28,-74,-9]

08.09.2012 21:24:17: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:277 253:14 [575,6528,254] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:22: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:278 253:14 [583,6515,255] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:28: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:279 253:14 [582,6505,252] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:32: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:280 253:14 [573,6501,247] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:40: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:281 253:14 [561,6490,241] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:42: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:52 254:5 [656,6616,285] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:48: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:282 253:14 [534,6497,238] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:24:58: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:283 253:14 [497,6517,232] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:25:04: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:284 253:14 [501,6500,231] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:25:10: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "PipeBomb" 253:285 253:14 [509,6498,233] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:21: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:56 254:5 [571,6622,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:24: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:57 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:25: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:286 253:14 [624,6618,283] [-77,0,-21]

08.09.2012 21:26:27: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:58 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:29: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:59 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:31: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:60 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:33: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:61 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:35: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:62 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:35: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:287 253:14 [624,6618,283] [-75,4,-27]

08.09.2012 21:26:36: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:63 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:37: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:64 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:38: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:65 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:39: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:66 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:26:40: Homura ( ea907371d0143240d6e61983d0cbb666 - #0 "BAF_ied_v1" 254:67 254:5 [571,6621,263] [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:27:10: Doodman ( 20567effc2bb468043289e30f50e5311 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 213:807 213:601 [8893,2449,25] [7,0,1]

08.09.2012 21:27:37: Fly ( f3c3003d2827f55eeee3d349df60064e - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 277:6 [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:28:28: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:289 253:14 [647,6606,286] [-46,-65,-2]

08.09.2012 21:28:28: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:290 253:14 [647,6606,286] [-53,-58,-5]

08.09.2012 21:28:29: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:291 253:14 [647,6607,286] [-68,-40,-3]

08.09.2012 21:28:34: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:292 253:14 [647,6607,286] [-79,11,1]

08.09.2012 21:28:34: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:293 253:14 [647,6607,286] [-76,-23,0]

08.09.2012 21:28:34: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:294 253:14 [647,6606,286] [-33,-72,0]

08.09.2012 21:28:34: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:295 253:14 [648,6606,286] [9,-79,3]

08.09.2012 21:28:36: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:296 253:14 [648,6606,286] [34,-70,-13]

08.09.2012 21:28:57: KKND ( db5a8160fd15d3c7bad7342ca0f13400 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 278:4 [2,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:28:57: KKND ( db5a8160fd15d3c7bad7342ca0f13400 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 278:6 [0,0,0]

08.09.2012 21:29:18: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:297 253:14 [549,6834,305] [-19,7,-77]

08.09.2012 21:29:48: Slevra ( 8e1d940a49c49f69eb0cbcadf22eafc2 - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 275:32 [-18697,25815,379]

08.09.2012 21:30:36: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "G_40mm_Smoke" 253:304 253:14 [-193,6205,307] [25,11,-74]

08.09.2012 21:31:04: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 253:311 253:14 [-192,6210,309] [38,13,68]

08.09.2012 21:31:41: Santa ( 3e45b881a8063b1a138936f483e97b88 - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 253:315 [0,0,0]

Here is also a chat log that shows Homura speaking to someone about spawning things, assuming Santa was using voice chat:

09:14:49 : (Direct) Hunter: no map

17:31:57 : (Direct) Xtra: /friendly

17:32:03 : (Direct) Xtra: friendly

20:55:47 : (Direct) Homura: My SVD scope doesn't work with NVG :(

21:00:14 : (Direct) Homura: helo raid on cherno imo

21:05:34 : (Direct) Homura: The zombies are the most realistic part

21:17:47 : (Direct) Homura: So are we raiding cherno

21:21:42 : (Direct) Homura: Is there a rocket launcher

21:29:42 : (Direct) Homura: I'm ready to go

21:32:53 : (Direct) Homura: Are we going to Cherno?

21:36:06 : (Direct) Homura: Can you spawn like cargo planes

21:38:57 : (Direct) Homura: elektro

07:03:15 : (Direct) Bill: Hello

07:03:15 : (Direct) Bill: Hello

07:03:15 : (Direct) Bill: Hello

07:03:25 : (Direct) Rainbowtrooper: HI

07:03:25 : (Direct) Rainbowtrooper: HI

07:03:25 : (Direct) Rainbowtrooper: HI

07:03:49 : (Direct) Bill: im glad to see they fixed the graphic glich

07:03:49 : (Direct) Bill: im glad to see they fixed the graphic glich

07:03:49 : (Direct) Bill: im glad to see they fixed the graphic glich

The logs themselves can be uploaded if needed as evidence.

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Appears to be alot of object access flooding and after some searching I found that BAF are IEDs

Edited by DGSix

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Appears to be alot of object access flooding and after some searching I found that BAF are IEDs

That is correct.

Please be sure to post (https://code.google....st/issues/entry) your findings to the Community Ban List (CBL) so more admins can benefit (https://code.google....munity-banlist/). Nice job btw. :)

Thank you, we're going to start our server back up soon and grab video evidence if they decide to strike again. I posted both of their GUIDs into the community ban list. Also, is there any way to put them on the server banlist so we don't have to worry about them/wait until they get global banned?

Edited by TheSpaceman7
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Thank you, we're going to start our server back up soon and grab video evidence if they decide to strike again. I posted both of their GUIDs into the community ban list. Also, is there any way to put them on the server banlist so we don't have to worry about them/wait until they get global banned?

Sure just add them to your bans.txt, we ban all submissions locally to protect ourselves then submit to the CBL so everyone can benefit. The CBL doesn't instatly commit GUIDs, there are some violations they allow cheaters to rack up. For this reason and the sake of your players you should always ban local first as they've already found their way to your server once. Welcome back, you're doing great already btw. :)

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Sure just add them to your bans.txt, we ban all submissions locally to protect ourselves then submit to the CBL so everyone can benefit. The CBL doesn't instatly commit GUIDs, there are some violations they allow cheaters to rack up. For this reason and the sake of your players you should always ban local first as they've already found their way to your server once. Welcome back, you're doing great already btw. :)

That's the idea we had in mind but the .txt editor said bans.txt was too large to edit, so we had to wait for the server to come up and just do it in game. Anyway to work around the TCAadmin in-browser editor?

*EDIT* We just recently downloaded RCON tools and everything has been sorted out!

Edited by TheSpaceman7

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