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Trading NVG's, AS50, Ghillie

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I'm looking to trade my NVG's, my AS50, and my ghillie suit for a car. I play lonewolf so it is extremely hard for me to repair a car myself, I'm done sniping with my AS50 as I like the SVD camo more. So if anyone would like to trade me just comment below or add my skype "iamgavingriffin"

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Looking to trade my duped/hacked NVGs, AS50 and ghillie *****

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Actually I didn't dupe anything. I love false accusations. Ha. Get a life, I've never even seen you on these forums before.

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Actually I didn't dupe anything. I love false accusations. Ha. Get a life, I've never even seen you on these forums before.

Haven't seen you either sweet cheeks. ;)

Btw, if you didn't actually loot the AS50 from a helicopter yourself, then there's probably a good 50% chance that the person it belonged to previously, whether you raided it from their tent, or shot them and took it, probably duped it in. Hence why pretty much damn near every tent you would find in and upwards, had at least 3+ in them. Who needs to store 3 AS50s and the same amount of L85s? Oh right, probably no one in their right mind. Sure some people prefer other guns but want to stow these particular ones for certain situations, but generally that's not the case with most people.

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LOL@the dupe accusations, does no one take the time to farm barracks or actually hunt heli crashes? I farm Barracks and the NW Airfield, when I'm tired of that I do a lap around Stary, Novy, Pushtoshka, and Vybor before moving onto the next server, usually finding at least 1 heli crash, with guess what? RARE LOOT. I found 2 GPS at the NW Airfield today, 1 in the radar station, the other in the North Barracks.

In the 3 heli crashes on 2 servers I found, 1 MK48, 2 M107, 2 FN FAL, 1 FN FAL PVS/4, 1 AS50, and 1 NVG, total time searching those areas was roughly 2-3hours I think.

I only took the MK48 and tossed the NVG in my Backpack.

EDIT: I cant seem to find the directory screenshots save to

Edited by Mr Faust
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EDIT: I cant seem to find the directory screenshots save to

Lol you ain't got none pics in dat dere compooter of yours? Y'all're lyin', I swurr....

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