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I thought I had AIDS...

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I woke up at Skalisty, and made my way to Elektro to meet some friends for a good hunting day. We managed to get at least four survivors each, and then we made our way to Cherno for some counter-sniping. On the way I noticed my blood was slowly draining, and I bandaged my self, alas it didn't work. Everything was on green, food, health, temperature, the whole 9 yards.I asked my mates on what the hell was happening, they didn't seemed to know. I ate one of my antibiotics, and I was still surely, but slowly, dying. My blood dropped down to a point of 5341. I tried bandaging again and it still won't work, so I shrugged it off, ate some cooked meat and we went on our way to hill east of Cherno, getting 2 guys along the way.

After some more walking, my friends noticed that they too were slowly losing blood. At this point we were panicking as nothing we did seemed to be working. We immediately attempted to remember what the hell we did to get into this predicament. Then it hit me, about an hour before, we joked around by me f**king a pig that we found in the middle of the road. We assumed that I contracted some form of super AIDS from the joke, and I infected my friends by being around them too much. They were getting ready to shoot me, but then one of my friends drank his soda and he was cured from the "AIDS". Then we realized the the HUD must've glitched so in actually we were all dying of dehydration.

And here I am typing this feeling like a complete retard about not knowing about it 30 minutes earlier....

(No offense on the AIDS part, but I'm not aware of any other diseases that you get from intercourse that, at the present, we have no cure for...)

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kinda, I write as a part-time job, so I like to get as much feedback on the stuff I write to improve it, plus I like to see people say "That's what you get for being bandits, usuk, tr0l0l0l0l". Call it an experiment if you will...

Edited by Teflin_McBomb

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and, just so you know, hiv and aids are NOT distributed by "talking a walk with friends". i dont want to know what you freaks did in the woods ;)

or maybe it was gods wrath for shooting innocents (but i think that was his most believing followers do at a daily basis so he should be used to it). if this happens to continue get everything ready to sacrifice your first-born (if none is available maybe the neighbours child does the job. or just make a first born - but remember, no "walking around" with your friends this time, even if you dont like it you WILL need a female in your "group" *lol* )

cheers, good luck and think of protection next time....the zeds are already a big problem, we dont need you virus-ridden perverts waiting for us in the woods *veg*


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Ok, I deleted your first post and now I've locked this one. Take the hint. I really shouldn't need to explain why. That's my feedback. If you have an issue with this PM me and I'll spell it out for you.

Edited by Fraggle

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