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intensity (DayZ)

looking for a partner... AGAIN

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All my previous buddies no longer play this game yet I refuse to let go...

Looking for a mature 18+ partner to team up with either Regular or Lingor.

Must be from Europe or somewhere near GMT+1

Please message me your skype details if interested.

Have been playing this game for 2 months.

As a side note I am the server admin on uk278, so at least playing there we will not have to deal with abuse, in case of hackers we can also react.

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hi dude, i´m 15 years old from sweden, would you mind making a exception with the age? I´m not this little whining fat kid who wants to decide everything, just wanna have a good time. Gonna play this whole night since my parents are away for the weekend. I´m going away to watch a movie at the cinema, But if you want to play tonight just message me on skype (cause i have my phone with me all the time) and I should be back around 11 in 4 hours. Skype name: Carwikz or Carlz.w

Edited by DayzCharlez

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