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Looking for a small squad.

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Hello Hello, just wondering if anyone needed an extra man for a squad of around 4-5 people. I have been playing this game for about 3 months now and my past clan pretty much quit. Please feel free to PM me on skype.


Age: 16

Position: Pilot or Sniper

(Easily can change depending whick position it is)

And of course geared.

Skype: Gobigorgoprone

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I don't have a squad, but I'm looking to form a small raiding party for this game. I'd love to team up with you if you need a extra guy atm.

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Ditto, also looking for a small group. I've been in big clans and things get chaotic and messy. Send me a PM here if you want some more info. I've been playing this a while.

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in response to ANYONE in this post

shoot me a msg on here, or friend request me on steam.s


id be glad to talk to you guys and see if you would mesh with our group well.

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I don't really have a group but just a friend or two I regularly play with. I would be happy to join with someone, or someone can join with us. I should be buying a new server in a day or two when mine expires to give it a fresh start. Send me a message if anyone is interested.

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Hey i play with a buddy we play almost everyday. if you guys want to join our group add me on steam (NYCGIO21)

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