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Atleast 14 years old

Somewhat good in DayZ

I normally role with my irl friend but we need more partners (we currently have 9 discluding me)

add me on skype:tsgryan



In-game name:

Skype name:


Favourite Gun:

Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?:


Edited by manraj

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In-game name: Dillybar/DYLAN

Skype name:dillybar611

Guns:Machine Gun/full auto(I died so i dont have it anymore:(

Favourite Gun:Sniper

Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?:Sniper,Driver,Scout

Age: 14

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In-game name: Lemon

Skype name: nolimiter32

Guns: Hatchet-as50

Favourite Gun:Dmr/as50

Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?: Any that is needed

Age: 18

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Timezone: central

In-game name: Matt

Skype name: ImGolferboy

Guns: winchester,g17

Favourite Gun: m4a1 cco sd

Are you a Scout,Sniper,Driver/Pilot,Assault,Medic or Mid-Range Veteran?: driver/pilot, assault

Age: 16

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Timezone: MST

IGN: Kolnan

Skype name: Kolnan

Guns: Assault rifles and pistols

Favorite gun: M4a1 cco sd

What are you: assault, medic, recon


Edited by Kolnan

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Timezone: Australia (idk really)

IGN: Rulz

Skype name: Jedirulz

Guns: AS50, shotgun (m107 i think...) and a g17

Trying to find an assault rifle and I've looted military places 7 times...

Favourite gun: FN FAL

What am i?: Assault, recon, sniper

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