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Dallas 50

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Possible server cheat by OMG, server owner. Raided camp, shot players there, when he was shot, shut down server.

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Possible server cheat by OMG' date=' server owner. Raided camp, shot players there, when he was shot, shut down server.


Want to elaborate? cause, I've never had my camp raided.. or have been killed on my server yet by players. Also I do scheduled restarts with at least a 15-30min heads up I have never just shut it down.

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If you do a schedule restart, than why did the server go off right after you killed several members of my team?

More importantly why is your server still down.

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Xterminator, and others, I assure you I'm looking into this. I have not been on the server since after the last restart 1hr ago I logged in made sure it was running and was off setting up other stuff including the Server thread post. I will be putting the server back up shortly.

I'll be contacting my host to see if the server was compromised.

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Vandarix, I was close by the scene when this happen and suddenly when my friends got killed, another friend shot the person who entered our base and killed the admin and in about 3 min, the server went down.

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I've spoke with the above users as well as the staff at http://www.hfbservers.com/ who host Dallas 50 and the above issue has been resolved. If one of the above would be so kindly to confirm that we discussed the issue in TS3.

I appreciate you all bringing this to my attention and resolving the issue in TS3 professionally.


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