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cant see any servers

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hi im having a problem for the last 2 days i have been able to go onto multiplayer and see all the different servers but now i cant all there is is host new session at the top of where the servers should be any help?

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On lower left corner of the server browser, make sure it doesn't say Address: LAN. If it does, click it so that it says Address: Internet.

Also check your filter settings (under Filter button). Maybe you have added accidentally something there, or changed the max ping requirement to something extremely small (0 is default, no limit).

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I have the exact same problem, I did everything that Wustenfuchs said but it was of no help. What's weird is that I played the game earlier today and then after 30 minutes this happened.

Please, post suggestions to solve this issue (preferably by not reinstalling the game :) ).

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The issue with not seeing any servers has miraculously fixed itself. After 4 hours I tried to find a server and everything was working fine.

In other words the issue seems to go away all by itself.

That's all I know for now.

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