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DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool

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Los Angeles is FINALLY up, it's been a pretty trying day of lots of things going wrong.

One of the servers we sent them never arrived (lost in shipping) and another one is not booting due to a dead power supply. Also they gave away our old subnet to someone else so all the IP's got mixed up. They took 6 hours to install them rather than 1 like they quoted because they were training someone new... Then we triggered their DDoS protection while we were doing normal installs which we had to get straightened out. And the old datacenter reclaimed the San Jose servers almost almost 24 hours before they said they were going to - thankfully everything seems to be good now.

Check your control panel for the new IP address.

We encourage anyone who has been affected by DDoS attacks to switch to Los Angeles anytime there is availability as this datacenter has significantly better DDoS protection than any of our other locations.

If you were on San Jose 01 - 04 please contact [email protected] to request a refund. We will be issuing $5 refunds to anyone affected by today's downtime.

Edited by ersan191

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If you were on San Jose 01 - 04 please contact [email protected] to request a refund. We will be issuing $5 refunds to anyone affected by today's downtime.

To be quite honest I am not too worried this time, my servers are running and we have bonus DDoS protection, If it all works well you can keep the refunds for my servers.

On another note i did notice that not all items on the Chernarus update have been added to the loadout editor, Backpacks are all different sizes now and there are 3 new additions, non of which is in the editor and I also found the the M240 found in the game, (M240_DZ) does not match the one in the loadout editor, (M240), so if you open the editor to change something and click save you lose the items. So far this is all I have noticed.

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No we cannot, you have access to the mission/server files and can make your own customizations.

Edited by ersan191

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Indeed, they changed our IP's - you would be on instead.

See http://t.co/loLl1HPI for the new IP's

The only thing that will change is the IP, everything else should be the same. It will be automatic once the servers are up, we are estimating another 2 hours.

My server doesn't appear it switched over. it is on the Dallas Nodes and i think that's why. Who do i contact to get this done?

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No we cannot, you have access to the mission/server files and can make your own customizations.

Are you joking? If I'll edit my pbo files then I will not get your support becouse I need to turn on the advanced settings! :(

Any other ideas?

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Are you joking? If I'll edit my pbo files then I will not get your support becouse I need to turn on the advanced settings! :(

Any other ideas?

Today in life some one learnt to read lol. Or.
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I've heard people having trouble editing some of the BattleEye files through your service. Is this true?

I'm currently with SurvivalServers.com but could be looking to shift.

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I've heard people having trouble editing some of the BattleEye files through your service. Is this true?

I'm currently with SurvivalServers.com but could be looking to shift.

I have no problem with it whatsoever

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I have no problem with it whatsoever

Since ftp accesss, no issues at all. <3 the whole .st services. I usr dayz.st and serv.st/VPS services.

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I'm the owner of

Guys, why theh hell you gave us ftp if we can't download anything or edit anything?

Tried to download couple of files in chrome:


In FileZilla:

550 Cannot RETR. No permission.

So what the hell? I'm not turning advanced settings in the panel becouse I want to have your support and everytime when I ask you something you say turn on advanced settings (if I'll turn it on then I'll lost their support)? Are you joking? Last time when I asked you by the e-mail about full whitelist, guess what was the answer?


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 6:52 AM, DayZ Serwer wrote:


Some time ago I bought from you a server (located in Amsterdam).

My question is: how can I turn on the whitelist on my server?

Can I upload to the ftp whitelister and turn it on? (I can't create folder on ftp)

Maybe there is an another option that is already implemented on my server that I do not know about?

May I ask for short guide how to do it?


DayZ.pl Team


-- ST support

I asked about the Full Moon nights and what? You answered me:

No we cannot, you have access to the mission/server files and can make your own customizations.

Next thing, I want to add killinfo in server.cfg - the file is visible at the ftp but not downloadable.

You're a joke. Advanced settings ON = zero support - Advanced settings OFF = zero support.

I'll not pay you my money for the next month becouse you give zero support, and you lie about ftp! There are other companies that would like to host servers and more helpfull than you are.

worst support ever.

Edited by Brainz

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Use your fkg brain to learn to read!

Private Hive Features:

• Full phpMyAdmin database access

• Map tool for viewing vehicle and player locations and spawning new vehicles wherever you want as well as editing players inventories

• Always-daytime feature (optional) resets your server to approximately 8AM every time it restarts

• Enable/Disable Side Chat

• Modify Vehicle Spawn Limit

• Manually Run Vehicle Spawn Script (auto-run every night at midnight EST)

• Enable/Disable BattlEye

• Password Protect your server

• Bliss Hive is updated regularly

• Edit the starting equipment of players who join your server in a familiar GUI

• Use rMod to spawn nearly any vehicle or weapon from arma2 and arma2:oa in DayZ (compatible with all maps)

• Change your server's datacenter location at any time from the control panel

• Automated database backups every 30 minutes stored for 48 hours

• Bliss Optional Features available: Care Packages, Wrecks, Kill Messages, Buildings Tables, Messaging, Custom Inventories for groups/players

FTP access to modify your BattlEye filters, view logs, and add additional pbo files.

New feature: FTP access


What you can do:

Edit your BattlEye filters.

Reliably view your log files.

Upload additional PBO's to be loaded when the server starts up (use the @bliss/addons folder)


You cannot edit .cfg files

You cannot edit .ini files

You cannot edit .dll files

You cannot edit dayz_server.pbo (use the control panel for that)

You cannot add bikey files (they are shared by all users on the server)

worst stupid guy ever.

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I was unable to get into the database for the server I just ordered I

got these errors;

#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user

'bliss_3763'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in

/sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 404

Warning: mysql_select_db() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean

given in /sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 405

Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean

given in /sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 407

controlpanel username: musashikorian

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ok this is taking way to long to get our servers updated by the time we get them updated it will be time to update again we are always the last to get updated.

dayz.st use to have really good customer service but as of late they are horrible.

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ok this is taking way to long to get our servers updated by the time we get them updated it will be time to update again we are always the last to get updated.

dayz.st use to have really good customer service but as of late they are horrible.

Nobody else has updated celle or taviana either... Chill your beans we will have it done soon, we are almost always the first to release updates, not the last. The only thing we are late on right now is Oring which one other provider has.

Edited by ersan191

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Nobody else has updated celle or taviana either... Chill your beans we will have it done soon, we are almost always the first to release updates, not the last. The only thing we are late on right now is Oring which one other provider has.

Maybe if peple let Ersan and his team get on with doing updates and not answering dumb posts it would get done quicker :)

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no i will not chill taviana should have been updated the day the update came out

is it really asking to much to have the update done when they come out

Edited by MTUCKER0

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no i will not chill taviana should have been updated the day the update came out

is it really asking to much to have the update done when they come out

Yes, it is. Bliss is an abandoned project, we have to spend hours looking for changes and testing them anytime there is an update, then test all of the optional packages to make sure they work, and then we have to deploy it on over a hundred servers which takes another half a day. If it were trivial it would be done faster.

Edited by ersan191
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I was unable to get into the database for the server I just ordered I

got these errors;

#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user

'bliss_3763'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in

/sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 404

Warning: mysql_select_db() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean

given in /sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 405

Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean

given in /sites/dayz.st/www/classes/servers.class.php on line 407

controlpanel username: musashikorian

By the way I get those warnings when I restart the server :)

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Couple of players reported me problem with tents:

They have wrong items inside.

We have the same problem with our tents, anyone had something like that?

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Couple of players reported me problem with tents:

They have wrong items inside.

We have the same problem with our tents, anyone had something like that?

Sort of, I've had complaints of tents not saving items. Some tents also dupe gear which nobody ever complains about.

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