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is anyone having problems getting all of their bans.txt to show up in dart? cause for some reason mine will not load all of the file.

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We just ordered a new database server that should be online tomorrow, we believe there may be some rare instances of lag spikes and desync with our current database server - the new one is about 6 times faster than the old one and should provide plenty of room for growth.

Will ALL databases be transfered to this new database server? When do you plan to have the transfer complete if so? Will there be any downtime for this?

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Will ALL databases be transfered to this new database server? When do you plan to have the transfer complete if so? Will there be any downtime for this?

Yes all databases will be transferred, downtime should be minimal maybe 5 minutes or none at all if we decide to do it through replication.

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I saw London was open, was about to switch over and then it was sold out a second later. Would it be possible to save a slot for us or something, as we have been eager to switch from Washington to London, but it's impossible to catch it at the right time.

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Waking up now, installing - we should have new UK and SLC servers online today or tomorrow, once they are online they should take a few days to sell out.

They actually approved a batch of official InstanceID's two days ago to my suprise - they were for the seattle server. All of the servers are sold out, so we'll be making official requests for every new server from here on out.

Edited by ersan191

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Hi Ersan :)

Erm, do you mean Is there a

I'm a bit concerned that I might not have the right version :P


Waking up now, installing - we should have new UK and SLC servers online today or tomorrow, once they are online they should take a few days to sell out.

They actually approved a batch of official InstanceID's two days ago to my suprise - they were for the seattle server. All of the servers are sold out, so we'll be making official requests for every new server from here on out.

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Any one else teste CELLE here?? Can you confirm that you're getting LOOT in the new building added to the map? Thanks

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Hi Ersan,

Now sure if something went wrong, bu tthe server went down for update, seemed to lock up, so I rebooted, now everyone appears to be getting stuck at loading screen :P

ANy ideas?

Hi Ersan :)

Erm, do you mean Is there a

I'm a bit concerned that I might not have the right version :P


Waking up now, installing - we should have new UK and SLC servers online today or tomorrow, once they are online they should take a few days to sell out.

They actually approved a batch of official InstanceID's two days ago to my suprise - they were for the seattle server. All of the servers are sold out, so we'll be making official requests for every new server from here on out.

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Are the servers updated and ready for play?

Mine is stuck on loading for everyone... but I have a feeling I may have rebooting during the update :( Not sure if that's even possibly though, surely not!

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Now updated client to (full) and stuck on loading :(

Anyone know what the (patch) is all about?

Mine is stuck on loading for everyone... but I have a feeling I may have rebooting during the update :( Not sure if that's even possibly though, surely not!

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how long until all the new info is added to the DB and right click in the control panel map?

cant wait to try out some new vehicles!

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Server just Keeps Rebooting :(

I shut ours down, we're all getting stuck at loading; then the server reboots.

Ours just keeps getting stuck on loading :( ... I must say, I am seriously NOT a fan of forced updates to the latest dayz version so soon after it releases. No offence to anyone, but the latest update on alpha is prob the least stable, (as to be expected) lol

That said, Ersan gives excellent support, so I'm sure he will get it all sorted :)

Edited by Petunia-Server

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We all have the same problem i guess then... stuck at loadin a/o rebooting. Let's wait for the news.

It appears so :P

Doh! I was in the middle of a great game too with a couple of friends!

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Ersan? the update happened then there have been 50mins of 'server down' messages without a reply :P That's not like you guys!

Could you at least post to say you are aware of the issue and are working on it? - Come on, reply and say your working on it ... we all know you guys are great :)

Hoping all is okay :)

Edited by Petunia-Server

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Okay we think we got the update in correctly and all servers should be running now.

All DayZ servers should be running (changelog is here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107617-build-1743-rolling-update/ - ignore the, the only change is street lights which were removed in

The problem was that Namalsk no longer supports the Care Packages and Wrecks mods, so all Namalsk servers now have Care Packages and Wrecks disabled.

Edited by ersan191

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