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DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool

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Hey Ersan.

Couple of requests:

Possible to get a button that will remove "all" spawns at once instead of one at a time? Would help to clean up when fixing and adding spawns.

Map seems to be out by about 40m when adding spawns. Known issue?

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One of our customers, Red3Tango, created a very helpful tool that can convert the mission sqf file that the ArmA2 Editor generates into MySQL database queries to insert buildings from the arma editor - it can be found here: http://dayz.wofjwof.com/map.php

Hey Ersan.

Couple of requests:

Possible to get a button that will remove "all" spawns at once instead of one at a time? Would help to clean up when fixing and adding spawns.

Map seems to be out by about 40m when adding spawns. Known issue?

If you want to remove all spawns you can do it through edit database -> bliss_### and click 'empty' next to world_vehicle, but this will also delete default spawns for your map so keep that in mind.

And yes the map isn't 100% accurate but we did the best we could at the time, we will probably tweak it further later when buildings are available.

Edited by ersan191

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Ersan, did you get my email? After having to roll back the server it seems to have messed up. No backups are saving and players have multiple is_Dead 0 instances. Meaning when they die they come back with all there gear. Cant delete them all manually as i have over 1280 pages and just under 4000 unique players in our database

Edited by Audio Rejectz

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My map is not spawning in vehicles or items for anyone. When I do the whole "spawn a vehicle" it shows the icon there, yet nothing spawns. Even after a reset. Same goes for items. Is this only with rMod installed?

Also, I have been trying to find a "guide" if you will, to set up/edit the server to spawn the vehicles 100% repaired/refueled. Anyone have any good place to look for some help?

set the "fuel" and "damage" columns in instance_vehicle to 1

you may also want to set the "chance" column in world_vehicle to 1 so there is a 100% chance of respawning

just run this query on the tables u wanna change

UPDATE mytable SET mycolumn = 'myvalue'

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I'm having troubles with running the spawn vehicle script manually today, when i click the button on control panel, it says

"<br />

<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in <b>/disk0/Sites/dayz.st/modules/ajax.mod.php</b> on line <b>5</b><br />

You must restart your server for them to spawn ingame."

Nothign actually spanws ^^

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I'm having troubles with running the spawn vehicle script manually today, when i click the button on control panel, it says

"<br />

<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in <b>/disk0/Sites/dayz.st/modules/ajax.mod.php</b> on line <b>5</b><br />

You must restart your server for them to spawn ingame."

Nothign actually spanws ^^

Same here.

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Anyone else finding the map incredibly slow updating player and vehicle location? Has it something to do with live map being turned off again?

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Yeah I understand what you are saying and it makes sense. I'm not trying to remove weapons, I'm trying to add them through helicrash sites with rMod. I would prefer you keep it up to date like you do now and replace my old edited version. I wouldn't have a problem re-editing the new version at all. If it is at all possible to do it like that.

But once again I really appreciate the service you are offering and you do an awesome job. Thanks.

there is a simple way to do this but it wont be thru heli crash's if you are wanting to add weapons to the map add ammo box's to your map with custom inventories i have placed them using the vehicle tool on the map

just right click on the area of the map where you want to place it go to custom and add the class name of the ammo crate you want to use

then go to your database fine the crate and add what ever inventory you want this way you wont have any down time and you can stay current with bliss

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I'm having troubles with running the spawn vehicle script manually today, when i click the button on control panel, it says

"<br />

<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in <b>/disk0/Sites/dayz.st/modules/ajax.mod.php</b> on line <b>5</b><br />

You must restart your server for them to spawn ingame."

Nothign actually spanws ^^

Im also getting this error message when using the control panel to spawn vehicles

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Im also getting this error message when using the control panel to spawn vehicles

That happens alot when using RMOD vehicles but keep trying and it will eventually work.


Thinking of this is there anyway you could allow us to change the picture graphic on the map? As every RMOD vehicles gets shown as a car.

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there is a simple way to do this but it wont be thru heli crash's if you are wanting to add weapons to the map add ammo box's to your map with custom inventories i have placed them using the vehicle tool on the map

just right click on the area of the map where you want to place it go to custom and add the class name of the ammo crate you want to use

then go to your database fine the crate and add what ever inventory you want this way you wont have any down time and you can stay current with bliss

I'm assuming they work just like vehicles then right? you can set the spawn chance to make them really rare? If so that is awesome. Thanks a lot for the info, pretty much solves my problem.

Edited by Tjdz4ever

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Fixed the vehicle spawn script button and log files - sorry, it was a typo on my part.

Ersan, did you get my email? After having to roll back the server it seems to have messed up. No backups are saving and players have multiple is_Dead 0 instances. Meaning when they die they come back with all there gear. Cant delete them all manually as i have over 1280 pages and just under 4000 unique players in our database

Will check into this today, I looked at the e-mail and couldn't figure out what was causing it so put it on hold.


Thinking of this is there anyway you could allow us to change the picture graphic on the map? As every RMOD vehicles gets shown as a car.

We plan to add an rMod subcategory with all the available vehicles in it (and the category they are in, which will change the icon) but haven't had time. If you (or someone) wants to provide a list of every vehicle class available in rMod and the category they are in (ATV, Car, Boat, Truck, Bus, Bike, PBX, Tractor, Motorcycle, UAZ, Helicopter, BigTruck, Airplane) we would be happy to add them.

Edited by ersan191

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I'm assuming they work just like vehicles then right? you can set the spawn chance to make them really rare? If so that is awesome. Thanks a lot for the info, pretty much solves my problem.

once you add them they will always be there and after every restart there invitory refresh's so i would place a few on the map and like every other day change there location

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One of our London nodes ( is offline, investigating...

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Cheers Ersan, having gone through the the database we had over 16 thousand instances of is_dead 0 with each profile having more than one of these. Obviously this shouldn't be the case and thats why when players died they respawned with all there gear.

There was no where we could run any kind of query to delete duplicate instances and leave just one, and doing it by hand would of taken weeks. So i decided to change the map to wipe the database.

So at the min the only issue is backups still arnt saving, but im saving them manually at present so its not an issue i cant live with. Cheers man

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One of our London nodes ( is offline, investigating...

Looks like our server has been effected... JUST spent ages sorting the database, adding vehicles, bases & buildings, advertised the server on here for the first time... 2hrs later, it's down :(

Any ideas when it will be back up? please tell me we won't be rolled back to a previous database :P... Please! (I know, I should take backups via phpmyadmin too!

I understand it's likely beyond your control, but any eta on an update?


EDIT: Ersan, It seems I can access phpmyadmin, as well as your map tool... not sure if that info helps!



Edited by Petunia-Server

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Yeah this is what the datacenter told us - "The power cable was broken and has been replaced."

How you manage to break a power cable I have no idea... but it's back online and working now.

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I think our Database is screwed up we have a different loadout and no one change it plus we have alot of zombies Spawning more then normal Did our database get mixed up with someone else?

Edited by Drewhite

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Players are spawning in the exact same location with the same gear after being killed. We also have multiple instances of dead player IDs in the database.

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Updated to ArmA2 Beta 99153 which says the following in the patch notes:

[99112] Optimized: Servers with many players (>20) should run faster.

Here's hoping it works.

To those experiencing problems with players not dying correctly I noticed a commit to dayz yesterday that said "players with high profile id's not dying correctly" - do these players happen to have higher profile id numbers than normal?

Edited by ersan191

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