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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

**Advice needed please** -- Is this a cheater??

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Found in createvehicle.log I would really appreciate some accurate info on this please. Is this the user creating or accessing the items?? (I removed the IP + GUID)

05.09.2012 09:26:25: piggypig (hidden) - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 4:2587 4:2411 [4860,10157,340] [-24,10,16]

05.09.2012 09:50:37: piggypig (hidden) - #0 "AmmoBoxSmall_556" 4:2864 [4621,10495,339]

05.09.2012 10:07:22: piggypig (hidden) - #0 "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1" 4:3018 [4629,10487,339]

05.09.2012 10:08:34: piggypig (hidden) - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 4:3070 4:2411 [4635,10483,340] [5,-21,7]

05.09.2012 10:08:41: piggypig (hidden) - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 4:3071 4:2411 [4635,10483,340] [1,-8,2]

Thanks !

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No, Thats a log for someone throwing a grenade, pickign up an assult pack (smaller then the coyote pack) and the ammobox thing is a legit ammobox (i think) found at heli crash sites.

Also the co-ords of where these "events" took place is near/at the NWAF so chances are hes been dicking about with stuff he just found.

All legit from what i can see.

Edited by B0x73r

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